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Posted: Mon Nov 01, 2004 12:19 pm
by wolfe
Congratulations on your first muskies, Snag & Markus. Way to go! The pictures are fantastic. New avatar for you, Snag! :D

That's amazing about your pole splintering, FH, and that Markus still managed to net it. :shock:

Wish I lived closer and had more free time to join you all; I'm jealous! Sounds (and looks) like a great time with some really nice fish.

Thx to everyone who posted the pictures.


Posted: Mon Nov 01, 2004 12:55 pm
by M.T. Livewell
Don't know that I can add more than everyone else, except to say.

JP, good job. I know you put a lot of blood, sweat, and tears trying to get the gang to the launch and dinner squared away.

For those who caught the muskies (and you know who you are), way to friggin go!!!! A special congrats to the muskie virgins. As most now realize, while they look a little like pike ... they ain't pike :!: I see Snag's got her new avatar. Hopefully Steve G can get his updated too.
And as for Bobber and Fish-Hawk in particular, there ain't no mistaken that you guys know your skis. Folks, these boys are humble and under-stated, but make no mistake, they can fish.

As for RUK and me, well, we knew we were destined to fail. Reason being, we were too prepared. We had a craddle, and a camera, and all the right gear. Kind of like jinxing yourself. Thanks for a great day on the water non-the-less. There ain't no mistaking the hysterical laughter at the end of a long day as you listen to the sounds of 9 inch shark (sucker minnow) slap the water cast after cast.

Nice to meet some new faces and reacquaint myself with the others. Sorry I did not get to spend more time mingling at the dinner.

For those who attended the apres muskie do party, thank you very much for coming. Great stories with great company. And I feel vindicated for erecting (tee hee) the giant tarp, even if only for a few intermittent showers. The fire was hot and the company top notch. You have not lived till you have heard FloatFishing talk of his great adventures.

And thanks so much to Markus and Pink Lady, and the girls for making the long trek down. We had a fantastic time!. Can't wait to do it again real soon.

Another great get together.

M.T. Livewell

Posted: Mon Nov 01, 2004 1:17 pm
by Wall-I-Guy
DaveH wrote:And WIG, you'll have to try and post that monster we caught on the board!!!

Now you'll see why I'm after another camera!

The incredible action in our boat Saturday...

Posted: Mon Nov 01, 2004 1:19 pm
by DaveH
Wall-I-Guy wrote:
DaveH wrote:And WIG, you'll have to try and post that monster we caught on the board!!!

Now you'll see why I'm after another camera!

The incredible action in our boat Saturday...
LOL Awesome pic!!

Now for the guessing game...which is the minnow, and which is the rock bass?? LOL

Posted: Mon Nov 01, 2004 2:11 pm
by wolfe
Oh Dave; you're such a good sport! Always smiling... :D

Awesome catch, by the way! :wink: :lol:


Posted: Mon Nov 01, 2004 3:06 pm
by big-o
Hey Dave.....a fish is a didn't get skunked...and you have photo to prove it.... 8) 8) :wink:

Posted: Mon Nov 01, 2004 3:09 pm
by DaveH
big-o wrote:Hey Dave.....a fish is a didn't get skunked...and you have photo to prove it.... 8) 8) :wink:
Too true!!

But I'm still kickin myself after a candy-arse hookset missed a fish...and then shortly after watch Fishhawk reel in his first muskie 40 feet away... LOL

Ahhh well... someday I'll learn!!!

And judging from Markus, I'm sure I'll be steadily reminded for the rest of my life *LOL*

Posted: Mon Nov 01, 2004 3:11 pm
by M.T. Livewell
Dave, the minute you said "Me and WIG are gonna put up some points for team 4" was the minute you sealed your fate. :D


Posted: Mon Nov 01, 2004 3:12 pm
by DaveH
M.T. Livewell wrote:Dave, the minute you said "Me and WIG are gonna put up some points for team 4" was the minute you sealed your fate. :D

SHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! I know, I know... :oops:

I was just so excited to be going that I let it slip!! :oops:

Posted: Mon Nov 01, 2004 3:13 pm
by Markus
DaveH, to bad you didn't get that Muski boatside, WIG could have showed you how to play fish tennis with the net. It's a little nerve wracking, but fear not...the fish will eventually end up in the boat. :lol: :lol:

Posted: Mon Nov 01, 2004 3:50 pm
Sorry for the late reply

JP, Thanks for orginizing the event, had a great time. Not a darn thing in my boat, I kinda wish I had gotten some suckers :x We did'nt even rise one
It was nice meeting some new hawkers, even if it was brief, and chatting with some of the guys I have met before,

Congrats on everyone who had there first this year and good job to everyone else who secured the deal.

Had a great time and can't wait untill the next one!



Posted: Mon Nov 01, 2004 3:54 pm
by roughrider
I just read the musky outing posts,looks like a great day for everyone,Markus again a sweet couple of fish and that fisherwomen Snag,what are you single guys waiting for,she probably has her own boat too,who cares if she can out fish you :lol: :lol: :lol: . :wink: roughrider

Posted: Mon Nov 01, 2004 3:57 pm
by Markus
I'm thinking about converting to some religon that allows for 2 wives. :lol: You have to love here! :P

Posted: Mon Nov 01, 2004 4:02 pm
by King Me
there's an :idea:

Great job on the catches everyone. Wish i could of made it up to for the event. Next year I'll be there for sure. Snag - I may turned to you for advise and beginners luck when I come up for my first shot at a muskie.

Posted: Mon Nov 01, 2004 5:11 pm
by Snag
:lol: :lol: You guys are too funny! And yes, I do have my own boat! Just a little 12ft but it gets me around.

King Me, my advise.... fish with Bobber! Him and Mike have some sweeet spots, and we had a fish at almost everyone of their spots.

:lol: :lol: Markus, you only need 1 wife. :lol: I, on the other hand, could use a few good men :lol: :lol: One for the dishes, one for laundry, :lol: