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look closer

Posted: Fri Aug 17, 2007 3:58 pm
by Big Jim
Surprised nobody picked-up on the "Fish Hawk winter lid" in ice fishing photo's...


Posted: Fri Aug 17, 2007 4:11 pm
by joco
hey big jim..i saw it every time i went to see those pictutres again and again..

BUT wen you see that kind off huge fish like that..the last thing in my mind is the hat... 8) :lol: :lol: .

man those fish are so nice and huge.

cong again..great job.

joco, :)

Posted: Fri Aug 17, 2007 10:09 pm
by OBD
:shock: :shock: :shock: Freaking jumbo fish there Big Jim!! That's a real adventure of a lifetime :wink: You're really lucky to do a bunch of trips like that, unlike some of us that do one every couple years!

Nice fish buddy :wink:

Posted: Sat Aug 18, 2007 8:29 pm
by wolfe
What??!! No Rockbass??!!


Hey, Big Jim...:wink:

That was one heck of an enjoyable bunch of pic's. I was drooling over those lakers. I think they're awesome fish and get pretty excited when I get one boated around 22"!

Oh, and Doug like him... :lol: I'll make it a point to show this to Tyler ("Tiny Torpedo") tomorrow; he'll get a big bang out of it, too, and he'll be bedazzled with both the big fish and the big names.

Thanks for sharing!


no rockies

Posted: Sun Aug 19, 2007 9:56 am
by Big Jim
Hey Wolfe, I actually did catch a couple of monster rock bass last week on Charleston while fishing a jig-worm for whatever wanted to eat it.
They were probably 3/4's of a pound and were bustin' at the seams.

Good week coming up for me...Big Rideau with a great buddy Paul on Monday...Wednesday with Bobber..tentative...and for you blues fans...Friday with Doc from Chez106 and my life long friend Donnie Walsh...AKA Mr. Downchild who the Blue's Brothers were fashioned after by Dan Akroyd and then last but not least...Friday aftenoon/evening with Bob Izumi for a few hours...that could be called name dropping...but in this case it is Just Fishing...I am so happy the promo's have almost been completed for the summer and I can fish my brains out.

Have a great week....



Posted: Sun Aug 19, 2007 6:46 pm
by wolfe
Hey Big Jim,

Yeah, Charleston grows some gargantuan rockies. :lol:

I actually went back and looked at the pictures in this report again. I am still kind of "shock & awed" by those lakers. What that must feel like.....!!


PS: sounds like an awesome week; have fun.

laker feelings

Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2007 8:21 am
by Big Jim
Hey Wolfe, there is not a day goes by that I do not revisit the trip up to GBL and the Tree River in my mind :D :D

There are certain fish that just keep coming back to me again... and again...I love it. 8)

The ice fishing deal is another one that is stuck on repeat...but the good news is that I am back to Kenora and Lake of the Woods for a week with Mr. Pyzer early this winter...well as soon as the ice is thick enough to hold me...Just BIG and Gordon on Lake of the Woods, and even better... the secret lakes... giant pike and lakers...stay tuned :D :D

BIG for the Big Rideau

Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2007 9:13 am
by SteveO
Oh yeah Big Jim? Well, while you are out with those amateurs, I'll be out, by myself, fishing on a crowded section of the Ottawa river in my 12 footer. I'll likely have a hard time holding my position in the wind and will spend the day constantly cleaning weeds off my lures and trying to get myself un-snagged. If I'm lucky, my 35 year old motor will conk out and I'll have to get towed in by a sailboat. Since my tow vehicle is a 4-door sedan, I can look forward to getting stuck at the launch. The best part is when I return home late, my girlfriend will be complaining about having to eat pizza for dinner again and why I waste so much of my money on my fishing gear.

...not to make you jealous.

kinda makes me think back to when I started in this game

Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2007 9:31 am
by Big Jim
When are we going fishing "O" Great "O" guff man...lets do it...I feel bad now...


Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2007 10:02 am
by SteveO
Hi Jim - I was just hoping to bring you a little chuckle. Don't worry, we are doing well here in the fishing trenches and do get rewarded from time to time. Learning and enjoying from your continuing posts so please no need to feel bad.

Now, if I've guilted you into taking me out sometime, that is a unexpected pay-off...that I wouldn't pass up! Would be honored Jim, anytime. I would only learn, and learn lots.


Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2007 10:26 am
by Big Jim
Next week...???? early one morning...till about noon or so.

PM me when you are free


Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2007 11:04 am
by fatluke
Hey can I make BIG JIM feel bad too???

I can almost match your story SteveO...... :-)

I'm prefishing Friday on Quinte by myself for a tournament Sunday...... hint hint...... My partner has prior engagements...

See you Friday morning Big

I'll supply everything except the knowledge!!!!!!!!! haha

P.S. Still haven't come up with the proper reply yet for this report.... I'm still speechless!!!!!


Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2007 4:17 pm
by Big Jim
Hey Fatluke, I would hit the bay in a second, but Friday is a big day even for BIG JIM :D

I have plans with my lifelong buddy :D Don Walsh from Downchild Bluesband, along with Doc and Eric the intern from CHEZ106 on the Big Rideau for a little bass'n, and then we are meeting that Polish guy from the T.V. Show...uh.. um..Oh Ya...Bob Izumski for a late lunch, as he is up there fishing with his son Darren...should be a hoot...

Now if you wanted to get in on the deal with Steve "O" next week you should PM him and if he doesn't mind you getting in on a day out I am cool 8) with it.

BIG JIM...early to bed...early to rise

Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2007 4:27 pm
:D what can you say but....WOW!!!!!

Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2007 9:48 pm
by SteveO
Fatluke: of course, please, by all means. I'll send you a PM.