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Posted: Tue Aug 14, 2007 11:16 am
by Joey Rat
Are we having fun yet? Jim, you smile like a big kid in those pictures. :D

Thanks for sharing.

Posted: Tue Aug 14, 2007 12:53 pm
by Cast-A-Way
All I Can say is WOW

Nice Post

Posted: Tue Aug 14, 2007 12:54 pm
by chill
:shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:

Enuff said!

Thanks for sharing. Wow.

Posted: Tue Aug 14, 2007 2:30 pm
by joco

my jaw just drop.BIG TIME.. :lol:

what can i say............I TAUGHT I WAS SEEING HEAVEN ON EARTH..





JOCO. 8)

Posted: Tue Aug 14, 2007 6:31 pm
by plowjock
Hey Big Jim
That's one heck of a way to treat us poor Minnow fishermen.
Everything I catch around here looks like BAIT for those BIG BOYS.
Thanks for Sharing this with us. Really appreciated.
I had the opportunity to fish with Big Jim last week on Charleston.
What a lesson I got from him. Absolutely unbelieveable.
Kept my mouth shut, and ears and eyes open.
You notice a heck of a lot going on around without asking a lot of questions.
Thanks again for sharing your memories with us.

Posted: Tue Aug 14, 2007 8:40 pm
by ratsotail
Hey Big Jim,

Would you consider doing a slide show sometime in the off season for the Fish hawk clan? I can't believe some of the stories and discussion that would come from such a meeting! Consider yourself one of the luckiest the world! Absolutely amazing...I will bookmark this post as one to dream about.

Your not kidding about fishing with the heavies...all star-studded leaders in the industry!

If I had to rank this was definitely worth the wait! Thanks Jim!

Please think slide show in Ottawa this winter, eh!


Posted: Wed Aug 15, 2007 6:25 am
by YakAttack
Thanks for posting that report Big Jim, looked like you were having a great time. Those were some beautiful animals you landed!

Big names, big fish....was that a crappie the guy in the fur hat pulled out? Huge!

Posted: Wed Aug 15, 2007 7:34 am
by DaveH
Jim, you said it perfectly! How priveliged!! And I don't mean that in a bad way. Just the opportunity to fish those areas are incredible, and the opportunity to fish with some of those names is incredible (however, I put you in along with any of those guys as being a big name in the industry!), but then to have the opportunity to put both together is just incredible.

And yet the one thing that struck me the most about those pictures, is yet again how lucky and privileged we ALL are that fish and fishing opportunities like that exist IN OUR COUNTRY!!!

We are all truly blessed, even catching our little minnows us non-super hero types catch!!!

Posted: Wed Aug 15, 2007 11:24 am
by almontefisher
The colour on that one Arctic Char is unbeleivable... :shock: ...That is one species I hope to get the chance to catch. So Jim how did you like the Sno-Bears??? Are they really done up as much as they say???

Posted: Wed Aug 15, 2007 11:29 am
by HitmanHill
I probabaly will never get the opportunity to fish such a fantastic part of the world, what a great report and those sure are some monster fish that were caught. I have never seen a grayling before so thanks for the showing and all those other fantastic sized Lakers and Crappies.

Posted: Wed Aug 15, 2007 5:33 pm
by Moosebunk
PLUMMERS :shock:

7 days with a Tree River trip... from Ottawa or Toronto, minimum $7000. That one arctic char... priceless.

I'd agree with ya Jim, the char experience in my mind would overshadow the lakers and grayling. The world record is a Tree River fish and you won't likely ever find them bigger anywhere else. Wonder why that is and what it is about the Tree?

Next summer my missus and I will be travelling to the arctic as well. Ungava. Half the price. Trophy brookies, lakers, atlantic salmon and arctic char. I'd be happy doing half as well... strike that... getting even one of each. :D I dream of the Tree River though, like I have for years of Ungava.

It's not often I get Just Fishing up here Jim, but I was sure to grab that one with your arctic experience. Hope you get the chance to do it again. I'm sure you wouldn't pass it up for the world.

Your ice fishing.... pfffffft. OK I guess. :P :twisted: :P :lol:

Posted: Thu Aug 16, 2007 9:10 am
by Abraxus
Thats some awesome fishing! Totally envious!

Posted: Thu Aug 16, 2007 9:55 am
by hawgwild
Hey Jim,

I remember you and I talking about this trip earlier this year in the store but those pictures sure make the stories a lot more interesting.

That is a trip of a life time.


happy to share my luck!!!!

Posted: Thu Aug 16, 2007 5:06 pm
by Big Jim
Hey Dude's, just returned from a very sobering 2 fish outing :shock: :oops: :shock: so I had to look over the post to lift my spirits with memories.

Thanks to all for the kind comments...I really do wish I could have had every Hawk Dude in my luggage.

Managed 19 Arctic Char, of which I think four were red males in the 17 pound class...they told us 15 was a trophy :D :D so I really lucked out there.

The Lakers were everywhere but the big boy's or should I say GIRL'S came a little deeper with the largest one being nearly forty pounds.

Had one span where I caught a fish in the 10 pound range every cast for nearly an hour 8) :D ...that is what got me through the drive home today after catching 2 fish yesterday of which mine was the smallest.

Today, Bob from Shimano got one (largemouth) just shy of 6 on a scale...could have eaten mine. It was his biggest in several years and came on a new Kumara Rod which will be introduced very soon.

Sno-Bears are awesome to travel and fish from. When it was -345,892F :roll: with the wind...we fished in side as any wimp would, but when it warmed up to -123,586F the next day :D we just got out to soak up the heat and had a hoot.

Plowjock, you can whip em' to buddy...X-Walks rule...RIGHT!!! Did you like seeing all the new Rap's for 2008 in action or what.

I know there is a ton of unanswered comments here dudes so feel free to PM me anytime, might take a while to get back...but I always do.

Biggest thanks of all to BOBBER for helping a computer goofball :oops: (secret code for BIG JIM) :oops: get these pic's out to you guys. He is going to give me a personal lesson next week so I can share more often.

Take Care...I'll try my hardest to make Joco's getogether on the 28th...


Posted: Thu Aug 16, 2007 6:18 pm
by plowjock
Those X-walks were unbelieveable. Just have to have confidence, don't give up.
Man those new Raps for 2008 FANTASTIC. The colour patterns WOW.
Just waiting to see what we get in the store next year. They were freaking GREAT.
Thanks again.