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Posted: Mon Jul 25, 2005 7:18 am
by bottom feeder
It looks like that was the weekend not to have missed.
Great report all and awesome pics.

Posted: Mon Jul 25, 2005 7:51 am
by Carl
Looks like everyone had an awesome time!


Posted: Mon Jul 25, 2005 9:48 am
by Markus
I love Charleston Lake. :P

This would be my second visit to this system and it treated me every bit as nice as the 1st time....actually, even better!

Pink Lady, myself and our 2 road warriors arrived late Thursday night at the lake. Muskiemagnet met us roadside and guided us back into the woods to his slice of paradise! His cottage really made me homesick for the maritimes. What a beautiful place.

Friday we made our way over to the campsite and set up our little home for the weekend...stagically placed near the food shelter, just out of sniffing range from the toilets and far enough from the fire pit not to be kept up too late.......who am I kidding....I just set up beside RJ! :lol:

I'll go on record here and say this was one of my favorite trips to date. Great people, good fishing, great weather and an awesome time for our family. It was so great meeting so many new FH faces and their families.

Although Charleston holds some beautiful bass, my plans were fixed on the Lake Trout. Having Muskiemagnet as a personal guide was the main reason for such a successfull weekend. His knowledge of the lake and his new lund would prove to be a deadly combination for our assault on the Laker fishing. We boated around 40 lakers. And this was done only with minumal fishing. A few hours in the morning and a couple hours in the evening. No bigguns for us though. Most fish were native and on the smaller side...


We enjoyed the days with socializing, swimming, tubing and fix'n up grub on the cook stove. I particularly loved cooking a fresh lake trout up each evening on the open fire.....delicious! (Sorry CCB, they were naturals...95% of our fish were naturals)

RJ buddy, you put a great weekend together for me and my family. It was a blast. I also want to thank Muskiemagnet and Sarah for inviting us to their cottage and being such great hosts to us. We love your cottage, dogs and hospitality. We'll be back in the fall! :P

I hope the Long Point camping weekend next month is half as good as this one. I wish I had snapped a few more pics but my camera battery was dead after the first picture....and with no power at the campsite...we were sh*t out of luck.

Great seeing everyone again and it was a pleasure meeting so many new faces. I'm off to find a Giant Tiger store now and find a pair of pink pants to go with my new baby blue adventure weekend T. :lol:

Posted: Mon Jul 25, 2005 10:17 am
by Moosebunk
40 LAKERS in NO TIME :shock:

Nicely done Markus and MM. That's awesome..

...and just out of sniffing range from the toilets too :lol: :lol: :lol: NICE, couldn't get any better than that.

Posted: Mon Jul 25, 2005 10:24 am
by Mike the 'Tender
Looks like you guys had a great time down there. I wish I would've been able yo join you guys!

Posted: Mon Jul 25, 2005 12:21 pm
by Scumking
What can I say :D :D .Both myself and my family had a blast at our first fish-hawk adventure :D :D meeting everyone.

I want to thank RJ and fishawk for putting together a great weekend and as someone has already stated hopefully it's an annual event.

I was also happy to join the few :shock: :shock: ,the proud :shock: :shock: and the slightly twisted group who have fished in the

RED ROCKET :shock: :shock: .

Actually I thoroughly enjoyed my excursion onto mud bay which appears to be about 2 ft deep :D :D .

Thanks again Mike for taking my daughter tubing.


Posted: Mon Jul 25, 2005 12:39 pm
by M.T. Livewell
It was the best of times, it was the worst of times. Then it was the best of times again. And for a short while, the worst of times. But in the end, it was the Best of Times.

Our story starts a week prior to the trip. The Livewell clan is getting very excited about the trip to Charleston Lake. Promises of tubing and camping had the kids foaming at the mouth, and word of lakers had me anticipating a whole new foreign kind of fishing. I picked up some old down riggers and was given a few spare parts a while back from FishForFun and was hoping to put it to the test.

But the worst of times was soon to come. Monday Misses Livewell informed me the van (our tow vehicle) was making some pretty funky noises. A trip to CT for an oil change confirmed the van was sicker than I had thought. So the remainder of the week had me scrambling to find a decent tow vehicle or be stuck using the old taurus station wagon (which broke down on my last long haul fishing trip).

BTS came to the rescue, pulling in a favor and putting me into a brand new f-150 rental. Brian, as I look into my crystal, I see good fortune and a bottle of crown royal coming your way. Thanks so much for your help.

So, we're back to the best of times. And time was the issue. All of the time spent scrambling for a vehicle meant very little time was spent preparing for our trip. It was 10:30pm on Friday before we hit the highway, and 12:30am before we arrived at camp. Fortunately, we were greeted by Fish-Hawk and Paya who were up late to direct traffic and offer light and moral support as we set up 2 tents in the dark. Very nice to meet you Paya! (that printer's gonna have to wait till I get the vehicles straightened out :( )

Needless to say, given the late night, we missed the early morning fish. But it sure was nice to be greeted by old friends again.
<img src=" ... riends.jpg">

No one was terribly disappointed (well I was a little) cause that meant a quick breakfast and right into the tube.
Here's the Fish-Hawks after enjoying a scrumptious camping breakfast. (Enjoy the break now Nancy, cause the Olympics are yet to come :P ).
<img src=" ... hHawks.jpg">

RJ had taken young Nick out for the morning fish, and he came back all smiles. Nick put on a clinic for the kids on how to clean lakers, and throughout the day, Nick was our go-to guy for any work with the fillet knife.
<img src=" ... Clinic.jpg">

Muskie Magnet had put out the offer to let use his cottage as home base for tubing. We pumped up the tube and RJ and Conroy jumped in with me for the cruise across the lake. The rest jumped in cars and drove around the lake to meet us there.
What a fantastic set up you have there Pat. MM's cottage is in a beautiful, deep, back bay. As we pulled up, a few were already swimming right next to the dock. After nearly running everyone over, Markus jumped in with me as the spotter and we set up the tube and starting hauling bodies.
<img src=" ... BBilly.jpg">
<img src=" ... Bridee.jpg">
<img src=" ... Shrimp.jpg">
<img src=" ... g_Nick.jpg">

No picture of RJ, but we did make a little movie (17MB guys, having some trouble getting it through the email). Ran out of space on the card in the camera or we would have made one of MuskieMagnet as well - we managed to dump him twice. :twisted:

A short break for me to enjoy a frostee beverage. The kids were all inside the cottage, but I did manage to snap a couple of the gang shore side taking it easy.
<img src=" ... ottage.jpg">
<img src=" ... atPats.jpg">
Just the ladies ... Meow!

Back at camp, it was time for the Kiddy Olympics, and the young athletes did not disappoint.

Meg, armed with the microphone did a great a great job coralling and explaining the events that she and Grace had put together for the kids.
Kids Olympics Event 1 - Putting on and taking off Fish-Hawks old clothes.
<img src=" ... mpics1.jpg">
<img src=" ... mpics2.jpg">
Kids Olympics Event 2 - The Egg race
<img src=" ... ggRace.jpg">
Kids Olympics Event 3 - The water/ sponge relay
<img src=" ... pics_4.jpg">
<img src=" ... pics_5.jpg">
Kids Olympics Event 4 - Drip Drip Drop (duck duck goose)
<img src=" ... ipdrop.jpg">
<img src=" ... ipdrop.jpg">
(highlight was watching my Princess Cassie JUMP onto her butt just in the nick of time 8) )
Kids Olympics Event 5 - Over - Under with a wet sponge
<img src=" ... rUnder.jpg" alt="Image hosted by">
(Fish-Hawk couldn't watch by the sidelines any longer and had to get in on the action)
Then, the pandamonium.
<img src=" ... monium.jpg" alt="Image hosted by">

Following the kids Olympics, we grabbed a bite and it was time to hit the water. Finally, daddy gets to put those down riggers to use ... oh oh, it was the worst of times again.
All the Livewells were in the boat. Princess Cassie had fallen asleep in Dana's arms, so she was stranded under my daugther's weight to the passenger seat. Conroy was tasked with keeping the boat straight while I set to the task of setting up these down riggers. And, while I thought I had it all figured out, turned out I didn't. Got awful frustrated as one of the down rigger lines got caught up in the rigger. Managed to get the second one going, just in time for the rain. And believe you me, this was RAIN. We hauled in the gear and raced to the launch, arriving just as the sun came out again. Should we go back out? ... NO WAY. We were soaked, I was cranky, lakers were not on the menu for me today.
(Legend and Mrs. Legend look over MuskieMagnet and the Kehoes to see this fantastic rainbow)
<img src=" ... heRain.jpg">

Back to the best of times. Had a chat with Eye Tracker and Big O following the outting and these boys graciously walked me over their equipment and gave me the 101 and how these things are supposed to work. Thanks boys, looks like I gotta spend a couple more bucks on clips and goodies. I had a renewed confidence for the morning to come.

RJ was very gracious and took Conroy back out as the rest of the Livewells changed into dry close. To my delight, they came home with a fish. Thanks a million RJ, Conroy is still talking about that fish (and that fact that he is the only Livewell to ever catch a laker).
<img src=" ... sLaker.jpg">

This Fish-Hawk event left no lack of activities. The evening pinata was a big hit, and hit, and hit. The kids managed to cylce through the line at least 3 times trying to knock down this titanium fish. Here is a shot of Eye-Tracker (his good side) as his son takes a crack with the badminton racket.
<img src=" ... Pinata.jpg">

We hit the campire for a while and then hit the hay.

Sunday morning, I slept in a little, but grabbed Conroy around 8:30 and we tried for lakers for an hour or so. No luck, but the equipment worked a lot better (thanks again boys). And even though the only thing we caught was our line, the cannonball fought great.

Back to camp for tear down, shake hands, kiss babies and wish everyone all the best.
Thanks RJ, and Fish-Hawk and the family for another wonderful event. And thanks to my family (and especially Misses Livewell) for not killing me and burying me in the back 40 under poison Ivy.

It sure was nice to see so many new faces and re-acquaint with the others. The kids had a ball and the perpetual smiles on their faces and the "lets do it again next weekend" re-affirmed ... it was in fact THE BEST OF TIMES.

M.T. Livewell

Posted: Mon Jul 25, 2005 1:11 pm
by wolfe
Great recollection, MT. Glad you and your family OVERCAME :!: and made it to the get together to enjoy some obviously very good times & company.

Excellent pics.


Posted: Mon Jul 25, 2005 7:19 pm
by Scumking
Another thing I forgot.I really enjoyed the bantering back and forth between Big O and legend senator vs leafs.They tried to pull a Hab fan into this but of course being the historic franchise of the NHL I declined Let the truth come out I support Big O and my eastern neighbors and despise the leafs.

Sorry legend.You strome the Guitar pretty good but when it comes to Hockey :shock: :shock: :shock:

The truth is out GO SENS after the habs of course. :D :D


Posted: Mon Jul 25, 2005 8:21 pm
by pikeie
it was a great weekend, got to meet lots of people and had some good laughs. the fishing was tough for bass but got one good one caught by me.
there were lots of small ones there too
here is muskie mike with a 15 incher
lots of fun and thanks to fish-hawk and RJ for getting it all up and running.

Posted: Mon Jul 25, 2005 10:03 pm
by Kpin
Looks like an awesome time was had by all. Glad to see the Livewells made it there and back without a prob....(or too many). Congrats on riding the Red Rocket, Scumking. I haven't had that pleasure but I did see the super nice tarp that was covering it. I'll hit one of these excursions yet! :D

Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2005 4:23 am
by skooter
:D :D :D :D

Looks like I made a boo boo, ....should have gone to this one...... :cry:

At least I felt like I was there, ...from reading the reports and lookin' at the pics, ......all excellent..... :wink:

Glad everybody had a great time, ......I guess I missed the age limit for the olympics by a couple of months anyways, .....c'est la vie.... :lol:

Lookin forward to seein' everyone at Long Point..... :wink:

Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2005 12:40 pm
by hailee
I had a lot of fun. I was happy to make a new friend. I liked playing with Aerial. We had a fun weekend.

We forgot to talk about our fish. Fishhawk said the kids could talk about the fish they caught. He forgot to do that.

I loved Muskiemagnets dogs and RJ's puppy. I also really liked the games we played and the tube ride with Aerial. MT's boat goes really fast.

We going camping again at Long Point with fish hawk people and I can't wait to go.

Thank you everyone for a fun weekend.

Posted: Wed Jul 27, 2005 10:04 pm
by Bobber

I am so thrilled that everyone had such a great time. I am sorry I could not make it, however a last minute change found me having to stay behind to spend time with my own family who came into town from Cape Breton, Nova Scotia. My hat goes off to RJ, Fishhawk, Nancy and everyone else who helped organize this event. I had no doubts it would be a success, just a little sorry I had to bail at the last minute.

Congratulations to all who caught their first fish ever and also to those seasoned veterans who show us all how to do it. Thanks for sharing the weekend with us and I look forward to participating on the next one.

Great job!

Posted: Thu Jul 28, 2005 2:00 pm
by Fishhawk
Look what I read in a different post. This is Big Jim's first post ever on Hawk Talk and I am real happy that it has to do with last week-end....

Big Jim wrote: Fish-Hawk dudes RULE!!

You guys should be so proud of yourselfs on the outing at Charleston and all the Kid'zzzz you had out, and all the wife's you had out----or is that all the husbands the wifes had out---anyway--my hat is off for a long time to the Hawker's.

BIG JIM~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~out'