Local Hunters

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Local Hunters

Post by Troutskiii »

Original issue was resolved with a few phone calls, everything is sorted out. Buddy of mines uncle use to own the camp, found out who current owners are, all is well.

Thanks Smithy for the reply, glad it was all sorted out in the end.

Last edited by Troutskiii on Wed Oct 19, 2016 12:46 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Local Hunters

Post by smitty55 »

My ex son in law has been hunting that very area for about the last four years. Him and some buds came close to buying 100 acres but ran out of time. They actually even had lumber up there to build a camp but used a trailer in the mean time. It got sold before they could get one more member. They got to know well some of the locals and had access to 800 acres at least. I've seen trail cam pics of a few moose up that way too, they're becoming much more common. Anyway, I'll give him a call and run this by him and see if he can offer anything.

That's a real bummer to have to deal with kind of crap this close to the season. I doubt that those jerks actually think that those main power lines are public property, as like you say there is lots of private land around there.

I don't know how many are in your camp, or how many of those other guys you figure there are, but the fact that your signs have been torn down three times should be cause for some alarm IMO. Not sure how many locals you know but I would suggest visiting the local "camps" to pass the word around of these trespassers and even print out some pics to pass around too. Leave a note for them with their cam that you moved. You may want to also consider visiting the local authorities and filing a "report" in advance, with provided pics as well, just as a safeguard. That way if you run into to them on your property you can tell them they've already been reported.

Good luck with your hunt. I hope it doesn't get disrupted too much by this bs.


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Re: Local Hunters

Post by Troutskiii »

Speaking of Moose, I watched a cow and Calf last week for about 10min, got some great pictures and video, they were very relaxed just outside the treeline in a small marshy opening. Great to see in the area for sure, whether they make it threw the week is another question :?
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