Spring bear hunt

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Spring bear hunt

Post by smitty55 »

Well it looks like the provincial government has finally found an excuse they can use without admitting that closing the hunt was a big mistake and even worse a HUGE waste of money on their totally ineffective Bear Wise program.Imagine if all those funds had gone into stocking and other mnr programs. At the same time losing a large amount of local and non resident money from the economy, which mostly went to Quebec. Now it's about safety, due to high human/bear conflicts, especially up north. Well duhhhhhh! They knew that was happening after year two of closing the spring hunt, but it's now been 15 years now.
There is going to be a 2 year pilot program for a spring hunt in close to 50 municipalities up north who have already agreed to participate. At least the door is open a crack now and will hopefully leads to further opportunities for the rest of the province.

Here's a link to the Environmental Registry Notice. There is a 30 day public comment link on the right of the page that is quite important for all hunters to use, even fishermen too for that matter will help out, as it's not that often we get a chance to actually have some influence on the outcome, which actually seems to be tilting in our favor. Face it, they wouldn't even start this project if they didn't plan on continuing with it. We need to help the process by inputting positive comments agreeing with it and also commenting that it would be good to expand the hunt province wide. There are also some other very good links to check out and save on this page.
http://www.ebr.gov.on.ca/ERS-WEB-Extern ... anguage=en

It seems even the antis from overseas are commenting on the EBR, so all the more reason for all outdoorsmen to respond to that threat.
Here's the thread I picked this up from. http://www.oodmag.com/community/showthr ... the-Anti-s!


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Re: Spring bear hunt

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Borrowed this quote from OOD. Help needed to counter the antis:
"We need every one to e-mail jerry quellette's office at jerry.ouellette@pc.ola.org and tell him you support his and his party's effort to restore the spring bear hunt and ask all your contacts to do the same please.
There is an organized opposition to the hunt taking place now and my office has just received over 200 emails to shut it down. We need to counter it.
Pass this on to all who support the hunt."

It's easy to help. Even fishermen. Click on the link and do that. I also commended them for having the safety of it's citizens as a priority. Which is true if you live up north. It's been real bad up there for many years with far too many bears around. We don't realize it here. Finally something I can agree about with the liberals.


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Re: Spring bear hunt

Post by Yannick Loranger »

I signed a letter at the OFAH booth at the Sportsmen's Show (a good reason to pay for entry!) and have also posted on the EBR. My aunt and uncle run a lodge in Gowganda (Long Point Lodge) and were impacted heavily by the closure. A substantial proportion of their clientele was American spring bear hunters. Please help the north and do what you can to see that Spring bear hunt comes back 100% soon.
Last edited by Yannick Loranger on Tue Feb 25, 2014 9:25 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Spring bear hunt

Post by smitty55 »

Good stuff Yan. Every little bit helps.
Most of these antis are totally blind to the reality of wildlife management. They will flood the ministry with emails when most of them are totally ignorant of the situation and probably never venture out of the city and actually spend time in the outdoors.
It's the same thing in the states with the wolf reintroduction, and now they oppose the hunt as a means of managing the overpopulation. The elk herd north of Yellowstone Park has gone from 19,000 to 4,000 but those idiots still insist that wolves will only take the weak ones out of the herd, but one wolf can kill up to 35 elk a year. The initial recovery goal was 300 wolves and now Earthjustice wants to let the region's wolf population reach 5,000 animals.They are totally against the harming of living things but it's ok if it's the wolves doing the harm. JERKS. I'd love to drop some of those antis into the wild for a few days and then see how they feel after. The northern U.S. Great Lakes region now has a population of 3700 wolves. But they're cute so don't hurt them. In one part of Montana the calf to cow ratio is down to 10%, which isn't enough to maintain the herd.


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Re: Spring bear hunt

Post by smitty55 »

For anyone interested here's a couple of good interviews by tvo. The mayor of Cochrane made the most sense of any of them.



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