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Fish Steaks with Cajun Spice

Posted: Mon Jul 23, 2007 7:23 am
by Crunchy
Preheat over to 350^F.

Filet, debone and cut into strips.

Quickly rinse under water, let excess water drip off, Coat with a mixture made of the following:

1 part chicken soup base (yellow powder)
3 parts regular flour
salt and pepper
cajun spice if I want to kick things up a notch

Fry over med / med-high until nicely browned, the fish strips might be a bit thick to cook all the way through without burning, especially with when browned, put on a baking sheet and throw into the oven until fully cooked (maybe 10 minutes).

Posted: Mon Jul 23, 2007 7:42 am
by Dan Smyth
If your fish has not been scaled, when you take it from the freezer let it partially thaw and scale it when it is still fairly stiff. This is much easier than waiting until it is fully thawed.

I would't cut the steaks much more than inch thick for cooking on the bar-b-q.

Some people enjoy salmon steaks cooked on a cedar plank which you can pick up at most outlets that sell fresh fish.

As for marinade use what you like but don't overdo the time as you will lose the taste of the fish.

Good luck and enjoy.