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Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2007 9:01 am
by Wallyboss
Ganman I like the way you kind of omitted the maple Laffs in your reply gave me a good chuckle.

I am not a big Sens fan, I was rooting for them in the Playoffs but all the big guys that produced throughout the series just never showed up for the finals.

the final game the only sniper that showed up was Alfie. All the other years we were quick to blame Alfie for choking but this year?? Where were all the other guys??? Redden was just brutal, Schubbert took a stupid penalty in the offensive zone??

I can think of only a handfull of guys that should be walking with there heads up. IE. Alfie, Fisher and Vermette , Emery was always keeping the games close, he let in a few easy goals last night but he never got support from his Defence, but how does a team expect to win by taking 13 shots on net in a game of the Stanley Cup Finals.

I am a Habs Fan first and foremost but I am also a HOCKEY fan and what we saw from the SEns until they got to the finals was very good hockey.

They were intimidated and dominated by the Ducks. It's too bad cause they could've won it if every player would've showed up to play.

The cup hasn't come back to Canada yet I guess the Habs had given other Canadian Teams a chance to bring it, cause we all know that the Habs have done there share of bringing the Cup home.

The Habs have won 10 Cups since the last time that the Laffs have won.


Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2007 11:22 am
by Bobber
You all should take a good look at yourselves. Camraderie is one thing, which is generally a good thing, but this sort of behavior, name calling, family bashing, photo posting against every rule and code of conduct that this site represents is one of the most disappointing displays of childishness I have ever wittnessed.

A lot of you guys I know personally, and have a great admiration for you and anglers and people. Don't like something like a hockey game bring out the worst in you.

As a Sens fan, congratulations to the Ducks. They outplayed the Sens in this series and were able to shut them down. Disappointing for sure, as I thought they were going to go all the way, however they are both fantastic teams in the NHL for making it this far, and they should be proud of themselves...both teams.

I am still a Sens fan, and most likely always will be one. A very close buddy of mine is not a Sens fan, we joke around and poke fun at each other, but nothing to the point of where this thread has taken us.

Very disappointing indeed. :hs

Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2007 11:53 am
by Bobber
I had originally locked this thread...but reconsiderd. I'd like to leave it open for apologies if anyone is so inclined.

Hockey is a passion for many people, but sometimes we take it too seriously I suppose. I'm sure many of the words that were said in this thread were not really meant in the manner upon which they came across, at least I would hope so.

In any case, do if you wish to, don't if you do not wish to, but hockey is over now, so no more bashing please.

Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2007 1:57 pm
by muskymatt
the pic I posted was unneccessary (funny) but unneccessary
My apologies Crappiekieth.....

Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2007 5:40 pm
by CrappieKeith
Funny in your own mind.
The point is you told me to F*(%@ off in so many words,now you make an apology and call it funny.

If you were serious I'd accept it.Again your showing your intellegence.
This post was started by me to have some fun with light hearted bantering.
Too bad it went south.
I really did not care who won.The Wild were out so it did not matter to me.
I took a hit because I was from the US,my family took a hit.

When apologising I'd reccomend some form of sincerity next time.
I see you have been posting for awhile here,you'd think a grown up would know better.

Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2007 9:45 pm
by muskymatt
CrappieKeith wrote:Funny in your own mind.
The point is you told me to F*(%@ off in so many words,now you make an apology and call it funny.

If you were serious I'd accept it.Again your showing your intellegence.
This post was started by me to have some fun with light hearted bantering.
Too bad it went south.
I really did not care who won.The Wild were out so it did not matter to me.
I took a hit because I was from the US,my family took a hit.

When apologising I'd reccomend some form of sincerity next time.
I see you have been posting for awhile here,you'd think a grown up would know better.

Keith know absolutely nothing about me, yet you refer to me as l'le feller and you question my intelligence.

I was sincere about fishhawk . I question your motives for posting the stuff you do and I'll be frank about that.

I don't give a hoot where you are from , I'll call you out when you post stuff like that anytime.

I'm done with this and won't quabble over the non-sensical dribble you spout.

If you are going to dish it, then be prepared to receive it.

You seem to have a history of that and I recommend you reconsider your approach to posting here or you won't last.

That's only common sense.

Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2007 9:50 pm
by Joisey Joe
Congrats to the Ducks, Nieds gets the Con Smythe and another Cup, Oh The Pain! Not the kind of finals I was expecting, thought it wud go 7 and Sens wud hoist the Cup but that's why they play the games. I can't stand the fact that the Cup went to a Cal-e-forn-ia team, but as GanMan said lotta Canadians skated on that side. It's very painful here in the states to get hockey news on the back burner while Poker is on ESPN like 24-7! It's a shame, only saw a few of the finals cause of Versus, sucks. Something has to be done about the state of hockey here fast! Oh well, long live the King(til next year that is)!

Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2007 10:50 pm
by CrappieKeith
Who are you to say anything MM.
You made a weak attempt at an apology & now your huffy,please.
Face it ,now it's getting funny.
Had you been sincere I would have recognized that.
I'm done with this thread.
I can not believe a silly hockey game led us down this path.

By the by a rational adult does not say flicking somebody off is funny!

Posted: Sat Jun 09, 2007 12:20 am
by ganman had horseshoes up your.... with that prediction :lol: :lol:

Hey Joe....great time on Gan Lake!

I'm a fan of the game...not a team. This one time I invested myself emotionally in a team. I think that's more how it used to be. I don't recall fans getting this caught up as much as they do now. I went to a couple of Sabres boards during that series and things were pretty vicious.

Maybe all this emotion between fans is a good thing the atmosphere at playoff games is incredible.

Posted: Thu Jun 14, 2007 2:04 am
by Kpin
It's true boys...tis a game...sure we get excited, that's the nature of men and still remains a GAME in the end. I've learned first hand as of recent...(most know), it's a short trip around the little blue marble.

I'm gonna smile the rest of the way...(or try my best to)...and buy a beer to my anti-hockey team nemisis...should they win...

and...damn well expect a frosty one vica versa.

Ducks beat us fair and square. Impressive in size, speed, aggressiveness, quickness and all around control. They, regretfully earned my respect, knowing Ottawa would go down.

At least they went down to a better team that deserved it. Ottawa should be proud of itself. We slowly stop chocking as much and advancing in maturity and closer to the cup.

Perhaps next year the main course will be Duck Soup? :wink:

***2 small consolations....2 of the Ducks are Kanata boys. The cup is still going to come and visit :!: :)