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Posted: Tue Jul 20, 2010 10:18 am
by Mudpout
i feel for ya Kevin. I've got my own little lake X...actually looks eerily similar to yours. I would be crushed to see people start emptying it with no regard as to how fragile an ecosystem like can be. Sharing a secret between catch and release fishermen is one thing, but outing a small lake like this on a board like this is disasterous. Well hopefully a couple gun totting residents will keep thir eyes peeled for tourists :P Oddy i always wanted to know the area of this lake since it looks so much like the one i fish.

Luckilly quebec has more lakes like this then you could ever fish. Grab some maps, a GPS and a quad and find a new one is always an option. Thats been my MO the last 2 years and its been a blast.

Posted: Tue Jul 20, 2010 10:18 am
by bl8ant
What motivated you to give up the name of that lake—what do you have to gain by doing that?

I can't figure it out and judging by your lack of intelligence that must be a feeling that you are familiar with.

Most people will respect Kevin enough to stay away from the lake and find their own gem but it only takes one rotten apple to spoil the bunch and I'm sure there are a few of those in your circle of friends.

Feel free to never comment on any of my posts/threads. I'd appreciate that 444.

Posted: Tue Jul 20, 2010 10:23 am
by Inglorius_Bass_Turd
I'm with you Big Bass 444..... If it's a private lake, it should be accessed once or twice out of respect. Vis-a-vis, I've read four or five reports alone this season out of one member going on about this mysterious Lake X and its abundance of General Sherman type fish. Best to not even post a photo report of the catches if keeping a lake secret is the entire meaning of life, as it would seem for some.

If people need to keep something secret a public forum is no place to post pictures, brag about 45 fish afternoon's with a tagline "F'n Awesomest Fishing Hole in the Entire Galaxy: LAC X". Sooner or later it's going to be found. Then we're all supposed to feel sorry for people when "their" spots are revealed now? Hello, public forum!

I thought this was fishing talk, not fishing biTc#ing

Posted: Tue Jul 20, 2010 10:24 am
by fatluke
Let's not forget 444 is the same guy who over populated McBay......

Just his style I guess.

Again an unethical disrespectful move. Especially after all the "I have so much respect for you" posts (from 444 to 24/7).

Slimeball move really.

It's one thing to say "I know that spot"...... Actually naming "that spot" is at the other extreme. Sure it's private access...... but seriously still not cool.

Posted: Tue Jul 20, 2010 10:26 am
by Dore
Lets all cut the BS ... 444 your an Ah :)

Simple as that !

Posted: Tue Jul 20, 2010 10:35 am
by Big Bass 444
This lake was never mentioned to me by any of you here on Fish Hawk and none of you ever took me to this lake. B.A. took me to a X lake last year and because he did I will respect the location and keep it a secret. This as nothing to do with any promesses made to anyone here. Now if you guys think you can show up and fish La Perdrix like you would fish Mc Bay forget about it....unless you rent a cottage there or you know somebody who lives there that can give you the privilege to fish it.....How many outings have you guys made let's say in the past year or so...even in the winter!..How many
basses where stung in there by the amigos for the 10-12 hours of fishing hours on each outings???

Now you' all made me to be the bad guy here and it's fine and all good... I understand clearly Fish Hawk and it's way and reputation. But one thing is to be said here. This is a public I was told.soooo many times wich is subject to reports on fishing and also locations to fish.
This lake is in no danger at all...and this must be understood.It is PRIVATE!!!PRIVATE!! The lake was never in danger in the first place to be invaded by a troup of mad fisherman on a mission to empty a bass lake by bringing a limit to the diner plate!!C"mon! you have to think deep about this..if it is Private..why would it be called X......I would have X spots on public waters of course!.

I would be more than happy to see somebody else who allways dreamed to catch a nickel smallie and being able to do it because of this lake because he had the same privilege Kevin and I had to fish it.
As far as I know unlike Mc Bay no basses will leave the lake to weight in 5 miles down the road.

A few weeks back you where taking about exposure've been posting about this lake for years now "exposing" and bragging reports on Fish Hawk...wich is fine. When you want something to be reamain a don't post about it.

Finally about all the Private Lakes. If you ever fish one....respect it briefly..keep it clean....and fish it on OCCASION only!

I think Fish Hawk as done verry well educating it's members in the past years with the concept of conservation and all. It's a good thing....and I would hope it would more important for these Private lake.

Posted: Tue Jul 20, 2010 10:36 am
by bl8ant
If people need to keep something secret a public forum is no place to post pictures, brag about 45 fish afternoon's with a tagline "F'n Awesomest Fishing Hole in the Entire Galaxy: LAC X". Sooner or later it's going to be found. Then we're all supposed to feel sorry for people when "their" spots are revealed now? Hello, public forum!
I may have posted pictures of my garden in front of my home before on a gardening site but I'd be angry if someone chimed in with my street name, number and postal code for all to see.

Does the fact that I post my house on the net make that person's comments any less ignorant? Not in my books buddy.

Posted: Tue Jul 20, 2010 10:45 am
by Jimmy_1

Ever heard of a thing called "Tresspassing?"

Would not be too hard to find a way to drag a tinner onto a lake.

People who would fish a Private lake and tresspass without permission are in me.

I own private land and have seen and heard of people hunting on it and they have the gaul to wave at me like its no big deal....

Posted: Tue Jul 20, 2010 11:09 am
by Todd B.
Unlike other fishing boards, FH has no policy w.r.t. publically identifying fishing locations. While there is an unwritten code regarding this, as it currently stands, anyone is free to publically identify bodies of water in the forums. If peopel are concerned about this by all means forward your concerns to Bobber.