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Post by matcole »

does he even fish?
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Post by Kpin »

Bts, we all have our own level of morals and ethics, it's unfortunate someone has crossed the line in this respect.

I personally, (if, I understood correctly), was given an invite from a buddy, who in turn had permission from the landowner to access the water via his private property.

Given, my buddy, had to ask a third party, the landowner for access, which was kindly granted, wouldn't, without the expressed permission of the landowner himself, dare to do so.

Without permission, you not only pee pee off the owner but simultaneously put your buddy in hot water.

Now I have no idea whom this is and I really don't care to know. However, a good dose of common sense and respect go a long way. I sincerely hope I haven't insulted someone I know well by posting my honest opinion.

Btw, congrats on the win Bts! Good job man.
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Post by Rob »

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Post by taylor »

The only thing he's learned is to not let you off with a warning when he stops all you belly-ackers doing 60 in a 50 zone. :lol:
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Post by Badger Shark »

Taylor? Do you and another particular s#$t disturber who has been deleted several times already get together and have a few drinks, then go on fish-hawk together, scan all the posts and decide which ones to make stupid remarks on?

Just curious because its the only contribution you guys ever make, you truly are trollers on this board and its a shame you guys ruin threads like this.

In my opinion this is a very good thread, you need to respect other peoples property regardless if you had access the previous day due to the kindness of another. It does not give you license to return and and just enter private areas the next day. Hopefully this individual will not repeat this and if he does then I say you tell him dont come on to the lake through this access again.
Last edited by Badger Shark on Wed Feb 21, 2007 1:12 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by matcole »

Its great to have an opinion but when it borders on supidity, such as Taylors, time to close the gate
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Post by taylor »

Once again. The humorless heroes of FH rise up to fight off anyone that has a different opinion then them.

The trespasser is a police officer. I find that funny. Sorry for destroying your valuable thread with a little humor. :lol:
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Post by Badger Shark »

I asked a question of you Taylor and still you hide behind your computer. If this was an attempt at humour I appologize but I highly doubt it. But you have now identified that person and I am sure he appreciates it. Anything further to be said to you will be in pms and hopefully vice versa.

Have a nice day :!:

Man this was a waste of my 1000th post!

Now I have 4 gold fish or whatever they are.
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Post by Wallyboss »

Taylor who in the heck rattled your cage????

And what does "the trespasser is a police officer" have to do with it ???? Being a police gives him no rights to trespass anywhere. And if he wants to give me a ticket for doing 60 in a 50 then I deserve it.

If you have nothing better to do than to stir the pot, Why don't you just shut the &^$@ up.
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Post by Kpin »

*sigh* Taylor, I beleive what many are attempting to convey to you is that there is a mannerism involved when a joke is told, that clearly conveys the fact you are infact joking.

Your posts don't usually come accross that way and I may be wrong but I believe on the most part, it is interpreted as a negative conotation, rather than taken as a moment of mirth.

I dunno, you make me laugh. Either most don't get it or maybe sharpening your comedic skills may help? Your obvious sharp wit is perhaps wasted on the general masses, I'd give the act, the once over and see, if it were myself.
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Post by Wallyboss »

KPin you have a great way with words, :wink: :wink: you always use the perfect words to say things that I want to say. You should've been a poet :wink: :wink:

I wish I could find sweet words like that to make my feelings known to people that ruffle my silky soft feathers. But I can't, so I just tell him to shut the $%*& up!!! I find it more to the point and there is no way that he can read between the lines thinking that I agree with anything that he has to say.
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Post by Kpin »

Nah, Wallyboss, I think you might have misinterpreted my post.

Taylor has a clearly clever wit that for the most part seems to be unappreciated due to it's delicate nuances.

It's exactly for those reasons, I came to his aid, as he seems to be misinterpreted also. I'd hate for such clever, ingenious, original wit not be appreciated.

We all remember the last standup show "Kramer" did right? I don't want Taylor to befall the same fate and be judged wrongly, when he obviously only wants to bring us all a smile.

Cut him some slack, hell, you guys should be thanking him for his selfless act of passing on the gift of laughter to the world.
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Post by Kpin »

Ummmm, one last though from me here, unless I'm overwhelmingly drawn here for some reason.

In all seriousness, does it matter if the person in Q is an officer of the law?

You would think if that were the case they would respect the very laws they are sworn to upkeep.

I'll honestly say with no hesitation, the boys in blue have a tough job and in my opinion, don't get paid nearly enough for possibly laying their lives on the line every workday.

By the same tolkien, the very laws they are supposed to upkeep, should, without Q be upheld by them. At the very least, to provide an example.

I don't envy the job they have, the scum they deal with daily, nor the obvious danger they face everyday.

However, they are sworn to protect us, the average citizen and I'm not generalizing here because I know better but being an officer of the law does not make you above the law.

I know the overwhelming majority of officers that I know and those that serve respect that. But as always, there is always a bad apple somewhere.

On the whole, I admire, respect and tip my hat to the boys in blue for trying to make our little chunk of this blue marble safe.

(I also think Taylor will undoubtedly WOW us with some new material soon, so lay off him).
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Post by Bobber »

Just be careful with this will you please folks. I know there are some tempers here, but we need to keep it civil. It sounds like there may also be some bias, attempt at inserting a little humour that has been misinterpreted, perhaps a little history that is causing the wrong reaction. Please keep the discussion respectful no matter what you really want to say, it can go down hill fast...I've seen it before.

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Post by slushpuppy »

If you knew exactly who this person was, a PM would have been sufficient.