Boat Fishing in Feb. ...part II

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Boat Fishing in Feb. ...part II

Post by skooter »


Well, appears that quite a few people enjoyed my last two forays on the Niagara..... So, ....I dragged my sorry butt out of a nice warm bed again this weekend, ....just to supply a little more internet input for all you fine members here..... :D

And if ya believe that....... :roll:

Wanna buy a bridge cheap......? :lol:


James, ...from my first trip out, ....was in again, ....but I actually beat him to Joe's this time and we were on the road "before" six...... :wink:

It was really really nice to get down there and not be faced with howling winds, ...or snow, ....or frigid temperatures, ....or a combo of all three, ....."with a side of fries thrown in", .... :shock: :lol:

In fact, was almost "civilized" :wink:

Now, .....I don't know if anyone has noticed, ....but it's actually starting to get lighter, ...earlier..... so we rolled in, broad daylight.... 8)

This was not really a bad thing..... With the better climate conditions, was bringin' out the fair weather fisherman, a couple of boats had already slipped in ahead of us.... that meant the ramp was already in prime shape.... :D
The downside, time for pics here this morning, ....we were in the water and on our way in no time..... :!:

No back drift this morning either, ....we.headed straight for the artpark drift.....Damn, .... I had to bust my buns to get rigged up brfore it was fishing time.....


The first couple of drifts produced nothing but we saw a couple of hook ups from the other two or three boats on the drft so we stuck it out...

And for once, ....James didn't break the ice, .....I did....



A couple of drifts later, .....I wasn't sure how that sucker got up there, ....I haven't been anywhere near a horse, ..and I didn't feel constipated, ....or particularily heavy in the backside, ....but, ...up comes #2 for me


We did the drift a few more times, ....James got a hit and lost his bag,(get outta the gutter people) ....but that was it...... Time to move on...... :wink:

We had noticed a couple of boats sticking on the pumphouse so we headed over there.... I still like this drift the best, .....I've kinda gotten the hang of fishing the faster water now so this drift has become a piece of cake to hang on the bottom ..... :D

Joe was so confident that he decided to put his rod down and get his back up rod ready for action..... Of course, .....that's when he got a hit, ......there were belly's rolling everywhere, ......but he got to it and had it on for a few minutes but it came unpinned..... "tabernac!!!!" [/i](]Joe is not even close to bein' french, ....but it seemed to fit here for some reason)

So, ....we did the drift again, .....and Joe hooks up again, ......"Suprise" ....not much fight, ....but it'll taste good....


By now, ....the art park drift is a ghost town, ....and the pumphouse drift is the new metropolis....


We saw a couple more hookups here, it looks like things might be picking up on our side..... Nothing for us though, seemed that if someone got one deep, ...we were shallow, ....and visa versa.... :x

There was also a visitor that was cruising the river top to bottom all day


We thought it was the coast guard till we got a better look...


We were undecided what to do next .....So, .....It was bouncy bouncy time between the different drifts for awhile, ....finally it was decided to go back to where we've had the most luck this year, ..."the artpark"...... and it coughed up one more for Joe.... :D

A big old buck that has been through the war, ...both of them, ....but he still put up a determined fight


Obviously we hung our hats on that drift for awhile, but couldn't entice anything else to take our offerings... :cry:

It was getting on timewise by now so we decided to close out the day with a couple more drifts on the pumphouse, and finish up on the back drift...... :wink:

On our supposed final pumphouse drift, ....I musta disturbed that horseshoe somehow 'cause it woke up.... :roll:

And up pops #3 for me to finish up the day


Of course, ...we had to stay a bit longer now, ...but nothing else turned up here, ...or the back drift.... :?

It was after 4 by the time we were done, ....I had to have at least one pic at the launch


It was hard to believe, .....but James who has had the hot stick pretty much all year down there, ....took the skunk today, & Joe didn't rub it in too bad, ....yeah, ...right.... :lol:


Group shot after a long day.....


I had to deliver a fish before I went home and ended up operating on the damn thing for them.....
Of course they wanted to give me something in return but all they had to offer was the ......"foaming yellow demon", ....Go figure..... :lol:

I gratefully accepted a "couple" or "three", it made for a really long day before I finally arrived home..... :oops:

I got the impression a long long time ago that pics are really popular in a report, ...Thank God camera's don't use film anymore, ....I'd have to sell my boat just to develop them..... :roll:

Anyways, ....I was happily clicking away all day for your viewing pleasure..... :wink:

A couple of the rather expensive homes that overlook the river.....



Why they call it, ....."The Pumphouse" Drift.....


The Lewiston Launch on the US side


Pole pics always look cool for some reason


It didn't come out as clear as I thought, how close we are to the bank, ....and notice the depth on the fishfinder....


Some pics of the ice at the launch....



This is what I scavenged from the fish I cleaned....


It was another awsome day on the water with Joe and James..... :D

Not sure when I'll be out again, ...but as long as yer enjoyin' them, ....I'll keep postin' them.... :wink:

But now I got a small headache I need to take care of..... :lol:

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Post by JimW »

Couple nice chunky fish there Scooter. Great report as always.

Is anyone out fishing the bar for lakers?

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Post by SALMON »

:D way to go guys..looks like you had a stellar day!
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Post by tman12 »

Great fish once again!!! :D
Keep up the great reports!
I always enjoy them
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Post by wolfe »

Lookee Skooter back out in the midst of winter...again! :lol: Still too cold to bring the weiners along, eh? :lol:

Way to go on nabbing three nice ones, and your friend's last one was a hefty beauty, albeit an old feller.

Thanks for putting up the fun report and pictures, Skooter. I have been losing patience with Photobucket lately -- not sure why, but uploads take forever. So you are a saint to put all those pictures up.

Nice job again, "bro". :P

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Post by Wallyboss »

Thanks Scooter for those great pictures.
When hell freezes over, I'll be there icefishing!!!

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