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Here's ONE for FUN What's your Largest Panfish caught?

Posted: Sun Aug 19, 2018 9:21 am
by plowjock
Just thinking things have been a little slow lately.
I know everybody gets out either on the water or from shore.
Let's just see what the longest Panfish is per species caught.
Doesn't have to be just this year, can go back a couple of years, maybe even a lifetime.
I know over the years, close to 23 years now fishing, i have caught a couple ofGinormous finned friends.
I'll start with my catch from yesterday, drops hotting, thought I had a good little large Mouth Bass on.
The way it pulled and fought, thought, this is fun.
Get it to the surface, craned into the boat, and look a BIG Rock bass. this finned friend went 11.5 inches and weighed in at 1.5 lbs.
Next best a few years back in late fall catching Crappies with Rick from Sail Fishing Dept. caught a 15.5 in Black Crappie and then a few days later with RJ and Brad witnessed another 15 inch crappy come aboard.
Best Perch that I have caught was close to 12 inches but didn't quite make it to 12, close though.
Other species Blue Gills and Red Eared Sunfish, have never really put a tape to them, but when they fill out your hand they have to go well over 9.5 inches.
Don't worry if you didn't catch them, brag about your kids or Grandkids catches.
Let's get some life on this Board.

Re: Here's ONE for FUN What's your Largest Panfish caught?

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2018 12:19 pm
by riverdog
Although I’ve caught some pretty big panners I’ve never put the tape on any or scale. I do have a story of a lake that I ice fish which I think is unique (maybe not).
A few years ago a buddy took me to this Lake were when you drop your vexilar transducer into the 24’ water it lights up from 1’ below the hole all the way down to the bottom. At first I thought I was getting interference from his Vex so I adjusted mine. I played with my vex for about 20 minutes thinking something was wrong...then I looked down the hole which was filled with Big Blue Gill. You could pull them in forever it seemed there was literally only small sections were you get a glimpse of your jig wasn’t even work using the Vex. Around 4pm the screen cleared or at least the top 3/4 of the water column did & then like clock work out came the Crappies they literally took the place of the Blue Gills & they were monsters never seen so many that big.
I’ve fished this Lake several times since & it’s always the same during the day the screen is filled with Blue Gills or move over 20’ & it could be Perch but come dusk everything moves to the bottom & out come the Crappie literally it’s the only time the Vex useful.

Re: Here's ONE for FUN What's your Largest Panfish caught?

Posted: Fri Aug 24, 2018 9:57 pm
by wolfe
Panfishing is under-appreciated!

Wolfe Lake has shown us some fantastic pannies over the years, sunfish and bluegills that are so slaboliciously huge that you can hardly get your hand around them. Rockbass are freak huge here as well (just ask RJ, lol). Sometimes when things are slow in the gamefish department, I’ll pit the big rods down and grab my ultralight and just have fun with panfishing. Or off the dock. Or wade-casting (so much fun)! For its size, nothing fights like a big sunfish.


Re: Here's ONE for FUN What's your Largest Panfish caught?

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2018 1:07 pm
by Tip-up
My biggest panfish was a 14 1/2 inch crappie. It cleared the water two or three times air born. Never forget that one!