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lake trout virgin

Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2004 7:32 pm
by welsh wonder
newcommer to canada wishes to have any tips on the famous lake trout,

will be fishing big cedar lake this weekend and know very little about which tactics to use.

any tips would be welcome and appreciated


Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2004 7:39 pm
by Xenos
I have see charts from that lake and the trout were stacked at their temperature zone, it was a band of only 10 feet or less. I have see allot of charts, the only other to even come close was of the trench between Kingston and Henderson harbor back in the Rod and Reel days. IF you can find this temperature zone and fish it you will in for one treat. Will you have down riggers? If not you may be able to jig for them.

Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2004 7:48 pm
by welsh wonder
I figure at around the 40 - 50 F range, I tried to find charts for the lake but could only find ontario lakes in Chapters, I normally check out the back roads atlas etc for lake depths etc , but could not find anything on big Cedar... maybe because it's in Quebec???

Where did you get your charts from ???



Thanks for my very First reply , while using Fishhawk

Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2004 7:53 pm
by Xenos
The charts I was referring to were charts reordered on an X16 fish finder and I made an error on the lake since this one was in Algonquin Park.

Big Cedar Lake , Quebec

Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2004 8:16 pm
by jsdx
Friends of mine bought a cottage on the lake a few years ago so I looked it up. I have not yet fished there (some friends !) ...

There are some big lake trout in that lake...


Anyhow, the usual trick to lake trout is temperature and in summer this means deep.

Your options are downriggers, steel line or you can slow troll with a three-way and spoon. The three way is described here and its how we usually fish for them in algonquin park with spinning gear from canoes. Troll nice and slow and proble the various depths and you will be rewarded.

Good luck

Posted: Thu Aug 19, 2004 5:01 am
by Wall-I-Guy
Hey jsdx, great links! Can't say I've ever "3-way swiveled" for lakers :!:

I don't know if it's the way the photo was shot but that 35 pounder doesn't even look close to that Laker Monster :shock: :shock:

Holy Crap Batman :!:

Posted: Thu Aug 19, 2004 7:52 am
by jsdx
Wall-I-Guy wrote:Hey jsdx, great links! Can't say I've ever "3-way swiveled" for lakers :!:
Thanks. The three way rig also works for walleye, except you troll a floating rapala behind it.

I found that the three way rig is the least expensive to make however I've also used snap-weights in Algonquin park. ( They are convenient but they are a little pricey and you can (and do!) lose them. Pretty simple to use, you cast out your spoon, clip this thing on and drop it to bottom. Then start paddeling. When you reel in, you unclip and keep fighting the fish.


Posted: Thu Aug 19, 2004 8:57 am
by eye-tracker
If you are going to troll slow make sure you use very light spoons. I have found the action of a Williams White Fish 70 spoon you need to troll at least 1.6 mph or it has no action. NK 28s need even a bit more speed 1.8 mph.

good luck...

Posted: Thu Aug 19, 2004 10:45 am
If you are in the area, fish Blue Sea Lake. There are excellent Lakers as well as some nice Whitefish. Man I have to go back there! I found white works very well and Purple for bass!


Posted: Thu Aug 19, 2004 11:31 am
by Manny
Jsdx, that indeed a wicked article, thanks for posting it.

Have to agree with his statement on the Sutton spoon, caught my biggest brookies, along with my first lakers with them and they are dynamite through the ice.

I just don't agree with the fact they are hard to find though, there are plenty around here.

Posted: Thu Aug 19, 2004 1:32 pm
by the walleye hunter
If I were you, I tried to fish for them suspended. 2 weeks ago, that's were most of them were. in the 50-60 feet range. If you don't have a downrigger, a three-way-swivel works well. Or lead core line. Silver and blue colour was also hot. Good luck. Do you have a fish-finder(graft)?

3-way-swivel on Cedar Lake

Posted: Fri Aug 20, 2004 9:18 am
by GaryTheTroutKing
Hi Guys

I just got back from Cedar Lake. We caught 38 Lake Trout, 2 big Walleye and a ton of smallmouth. We still have not taken a brookie out of the lake but they are there and I have seen them get caught.

The lakers were all between 40 and 50 feet deep, which is easy to get to with a 3-way-swivel rig. I did not have much luck with my Sutton Silver Spoon this time. We had all our luck on smaller 2.5 inch silver Mepps Cyclopes. We found they hit well until 11:00 am and then stopped dead until about 6:30 pm when they started feeding like crasy for about 1.5 hours.

On the south-west side of the lake, there is a shallow ridge about 45 feet deep that goes parallel to the shore about the same distance from shore as the big island that's down there to the east. We trolled back and forth over that spot and caught 70% of our lakers there.

Just make sure you use 6 pound dark green line. If you use thicker line or a more visible colour, you will not get many hits. Lakers are really picky.

I am heading up to Goldie Lake for Lake Trout and monster Pike today. Wish me luck.


Posted: Mon Aug 23, 2004 3:57 pm
by welsh wonder
Many thanks for the tips, I recieved for my weekend hunt of the elusive lake trout, Alas without a fish finder I found it particularly difficult to locate any good structures and the lake was too deep for my tackel, .... result no trout but a good smattering of Bass and a good size pike which made it worth while,

Great place to Stay .......Moosehead lodge ... good fishing .....and God was smiling when he created Canada

thank you all again


Posted: Mon Aug 23, 2004 5:33 pm
good fishing .....and God was smiling when he created Canada
And he is a fish-hawker too! :wink:


Cedar Lake

Posted: Tue Sep 07, 2004 10:58 am
by GaryTheTroutKing

In the messages above, are you talking about Cedar Lake in Algonquin Park near the Brent insertion point? That’s what I was talking about but some of the other messages are making me think you guys are talking about another Cedar Lake.
