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Reminder about live bait rules on the Ottawa

Posted: Sat May 09, 2015 11:50 am
by Seabass81
With the walleye and pike opener next Friday ,thought it would be a good idea to remind people to be mindful of what side of the Ontario / Quebec border they are on while using/ transporting live minnows . Had a few customers and friends who strayed pass that line and got fined based on the amount of minnows in there buckets .

I beleive this rule was new last year .

Re: Reminder about live bait rules on the Ottawa

Posted: Sat May 09, 2015 8:12 pm
by RJ
Can you explain the law for everyone?


Re: Reminder about live bait rules on the Ottawa

Posted: Sat May 09, 2015 9:11 pm
by Seabass81
Ive just spent the last hour trying to figure out this Quebec mnrf website and can not find the info that I am looking for. All that I know of the regs is based on the fines issued by the MNRF to some anglers launching out of Petrie Island. One of those guys did not speak a word of French so I helped translate his ticket and later on his court summons.

From what I remember it was that the use and possession of minnows was prohibited on the Quebec side of the Ottawa River as of 2013. To avoid giving false information I have contacted the MNRF to clarify as well as to point out where on there website I can see this info.


Re: Reminder about live bait rules on the Ottawa

Posted: Sat May 09, 2015 9:32 pm
by smitty55
Yep, I remember hearing about this a couple of years ago. The Ottawa was about the last place you were allowed to use live bait in Quebec and I think even then they had to be purchased from local shops along the river who trapped them on the river. Still a hassle to enforce so banning it there is an easy way out. Those shops along the 148 lost a lot of business but they may have had some compensation from the gov.
You guys should put a sign up at the shop. It just gives a the QC MNR an excuse to stop every boat they feel like. Plus as long as they keep making money they'll stick around bugging people.
