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lunar times.. worth planning around?

Posted: Wed Jul 08, 2009 11:46 am
by BassHound
Hey much weight do you put in lunar times and moon phases? Maybe some of you have been able to test it out.
Going to the cottage for the next two weeks and thought that I would utilize lunar periods to test it out.
Good fishing,
Basshound. :lol:

Lunar times

Posted: Wed Jul 08, 2009 11:54 am
by Joey Rat
According to my new FLW magazine we should have been out all night last night on the full moon. Hurry, it's not too late.

In reality I think there are so many variables at play that it would be hard to know why you were catching more or less fish. I do admit that I do look at the chart from time to time but I think I mostly fish on the non productive days.

Posted: Wed Jul 08, 2009 1:15 pm
by Hookup
i do not put a lot of stock in those charts for fishing (for hunting, that's a different story)...

I believe that changes to water temp, water levels, clarity, barometric pressure all play a much higher factor in determining where the fish are, and how big the strikezone is....

Problem being, I do not know how changes in water temp, clarity, and barometric pressure effect the location of fish, or their strike zone... but damnit, I know it does!

Posted: Wed Jul 08, 2009 2:09 pm
by MTF
I also think that the lunar phases have a bigger effect on saltwater (tide strenght) then it does for freshwater

Posted: Wed Jul 08, 2009 4:47 pm
by nips
Me and a buddy fished last night until 11:00pm on the ottawa for musky and had no luck at all. 1 follow that was it. People say moon phase plays a big role in musky fishing but my results don't prove that. I 've caught musky when they weren't supposed to bite and i haven't caught them when they were supposed too bite.??

Posted: Wed Jul 08, 2009 4:57 pm
by plncrzy
more times than not... I found no corolation whatsoever :cry:

Posted: Wed Jul 08, 2009 4:59 pm
by tallpaul
I don't know if it has an impact but some of my best fishing memories involve a still evening, a full moon, and fishing topwater. 8)

Posted: Wed Jul 08, 2009 7:35 pm
by Relic
My experience is soley based on muskies.I certainly wouldn't plan a trip just around the moon, but the moon can play a factor in your daily fishing.

It's not just full moon, new moon etc. but also rise, set, overhead, and under foot, those things happen every day. I hate fishing when the moon is up in the day, but will always try to be on a good spot at moon set and rise, and fish as much as I can around the full and new moon. Anything that could tilt the balance a little bit. On a day where nothing is happening paying attention to those details can put a fish in the boat.

That being said local weather trumps any other factor.

Posted: Wed Jul 08, 2009 8:26 pm
by cprince
I have found that my big walleye days were more moon influenced than pike, bass or trout.

Full moon and moon under foot being the best times... then again, it all may have been coincidence!

Take it for what its worth.


Posted: Fri Jul 10, 2009 8:29 am
by Yannick Loranger
I fish when I find time to fish whether it's full moon, new moon, moon is exploding, or someone is mooning me...doesn't matter...however, I did start paying attention to moon phases last year and I noticed that I do better than average on a full moon. My best walleye day last winter was in the dead of winter on a full moon when the fish had been slow for a while and were slow again afterwards, but then again, it could be coincidental. I wouldn't plan a trip around it, but I would think about concentrating my fishing when the moon is right.

Tight lines,

Full moon

Posted: Fri Jul 10, 2009 9:46 am
by Super
I plan my trips around the full moon, and do not go then!!!
In June the full moon almost always seems to have a cold front go through at the same time so I do not want to bhe fishing then
Also I believe that with a full moon the fish will be more active during the evening and night as they can see better.
As I fish during the morning and afternoon I do not want to be fishing for fish that fed all night long and are just sitting around digesting last nights supper.
So for me a new moon is always best.
But of course fishing is better than sitting at work so when I am just going on day trips, I do not care what the moon phase is.

Posted: Fri Jul 10, 2009 11:23 am
by Bass Addict
Here's how the moon effect's my fishing......

It doesn't..... :wink: :) :)

Posted: Fri Jul 10, 2009 12:54 pm
by Wallyboss
the only thing that might affect my fishing regarding the moon is. When I see it come up it is time for me to go home!!!! Unless it's ice fishing time then a nice full moon makes it easier to see my tip-up from the inside of my FishTrap.

Posted: Fri Jul 10, 2009 12:59 pm
by m130man
I never used to plan around moon phases ,first of all,it's difficult,work,weather commitments,. on one occasion last year I returned from a trip near Bancroft ,where the fishing was great for 3 days, .on one particular evening i caugh or lost 15 bass,pike with decent weight, the pike were chasing minnows all around and were hitting my topwaters. when i returned home i decided to check the solunar tables on and sure enough that particular evening was listed as the third day of a peak period. so there is some significance to that stuff.

Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2009 10:25 am
by fishermccann
No , but it sounds good to the wife ,so I get out on the lake more!