Kashwakamak weekend

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Kashwakamak weekend

Post by muskymatt »

WOW......what could I possibly say....amazing..

What a great group of guys ...pints,kpin ,rexmundi,rider,vince,bassmanboss,Cman,Mr.J,Bobber,Fishhawk thank you so much, I had a blast.

Man we fished hard , laughed alot got soaked ,eaten by black flies like I've never seen before......and yes.....caught some fish.

It's amazing how a group of guys with the same interests can hook up hardly knowing each other and have that much fun and leave with a feeling of friendship and total satisfaction..Pics to come ....I need some time to put it together :D

Thanks again guys .......trip # 2 :D :lol: ?????
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Post by Mr.J. »

Well said Matt.

I couldn't possibly have said it better.

I too have pics to add but later this week.

And hey congrats on winning the walleye derby too.
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Post by muskymatt »

And you the pike Mr.J :)
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Post by Dartee »

Hope evryone had a blast

Looking forward to the reports....The weather if any like the Brockville area this weekend ...it was a typical Fish-Hawk weekend.
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Post by wolfe »

Looking forward to the pics, MuskyMatt. I'm sure it was tons of fun.

Thanks, Dad, for taking me fishing when I was a kid.
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Post by CDF »


It was great fishing with ya... your a real die hard. Could not ask for a better partner. BTW...your boat...a Boston Whaler :?: :shock: :wink:

It was a walleye weekend for us...Finding them was unbelievably hard...but we managed to get a couple in the boat...made for a tasty treat.

Fish with you anytime...
Thanks for everything,
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Post by Kpin »

I've got to say it was a great trip. Mr J. and I arrived around noon thinking the boys would be slaying the trout still but we ended up arriving last and getting the prestigious top bunks, (something that can be quite difficult to navigate into after cold drinks are consumed).

The lake itself was full of submerged logs and the race was on to find some weedgrowth. We managed to find a nice bay and shortly thereafter MrJ. became the early leader with a decent pike. Rex ended up getting a nice one right in front of the cabin but that particular bay ended up giving MrJ. the victory with the winning pike on Day2.

Day2 brought on rain...and more rain...and more rain. We decided to switch up and off went MrJ. and Bobber. I had the honour of fishing with FishHawk. We made our way to an isolated bay at the end of the lake. It was littered with stumps and Fishhawk did an amazing job navigating through that minefield. But we'd finally found some structure and that looked promising.....when Fishhawk says to me, "there's weeds! we've found "Pikerala!"" Our efforts did not go unrewarded and Fishhawk nails a spunky pike. Twas a tough, cold, wet day on the water and man did we fish it hard but the great company and laughs more than made up for the dismal weather.

By this time Muskymatt and Cman had already found the elusive pickeral and brought 2 nice ones home. They turned out to be the only ones of the weekend but they were tasty! Day3 Bobber and I headed out in the morning but the eye's weren't quite co-operating. Again the company made up for the lack of action.

Matt said it well. It's really amazing a group of guys who really don't know each other, linked by one common interest can come together and have a great time. Have to thank all you guys for the great laughs and company. Aside from the rain and the tough fishing it was a stellar weekend!
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Post by muskymatt »

Cman wrote:MM,

It was great fishing with ya... your a real die hard. Could not ask for a better partner. BTW...your boat...a Boston Whaler :?: :shock: :wink:

It was a walleye weekend for us...Finding them was unbelievably hard...but we managed to get a couple in the boat...made for a tasty treat.

Fish with you anytime...
Thanks for everything,

Thanks Cman, right back at ya, excellent time. We"ll have to do it again!!

The boat is a boston whaler style (center consol), but is a springbok.

Too bad I didn't bring the cover, we could have stayed dry :lol:
Missed a big one at the boat sunday morning ,lost one after the hookset and bassmanboss had one toss the hook at boatside , so we did find them ....they were there!!

Thanks again Cman

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Post by Fishhawk »

That sure was a lot of fun - about as much fun as one could have given how difficult the fishing was. I have a bunch of great pics to share from the week-end but they will have to wait for later when I can get a chance. Unfortunately there are no pics of fish - except the two lakers wrapped in tinfoil over the fire.

Thanks goes to matt for lending me his spare kevlar bullet and mosquito-proof head net. Considerig how many black flies managed to penetrate the defences, it's scary to think what could have happened without the head net.

Had a great time fishing with Kpin on Saturday - thanks for the company, K, and the enthusiasm, even though we were wet and cold.

Every corner we came around we were sure we had a better spot and one that would pay off. It was just not happening though. I caught three pike on the week-end and zero pickerel. I lost one pike that could have been contender for big pike but he popped off the spinnerbait when he got underneath my boat. :roll:

I look forward to seeing everyone else's pictures.
"gotta run like a madman bye thanks see ya good luck"
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Post by bassmanboss »

Just wanted to say thanks for the great weekend and it was a pleasure meeting all of you.
Thanks for the tips Matt. If only I was able to get that one in the boat, I'm sure it would have taken first prize.
Lookin forward to doing it all over again.
Ryder, Vince....thanks
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Post by muskymatt »

Fishhawk, I can't even begin to imagine what it would have been like without bug nets. I have visions of plum like bloodless carcasses sitting in boats, I think you would be sucked dry in under 10 min. :lol: :twisted:

Bassmanboss , you're welcome , too bad about the loss at boat side, it could have been a contender :lol: . Oh well---next time.Any time man.

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Post by Mr.J. »

Long story short.

Ran into a local on the water and he was nice enough to tell me some spots to hit for pike.

We weren't there long and I landed this little guy.

We were joined by pints and Rex and the action stopped, as it did every time we were joined by them.

We moved on and I got another one a bit bigger, but somehow kpin just couldn't take the pic and the fish jumped out of my hands and landed straight into the water. :twisted:

Went out with bobber most of the day on Saturday, wow what a treat that was for me and a suprise for him as I fished all day with one rod and one lure, which got me 2 fish on Friday and 2 on Saturday, come on bobber where's the pic of the winning pike?

Saturday was rough and cold and rain rain rain but I'll give kpin a lot of credit for not letting the weather stop his effort.

And of course it was a great thrill for me to see rex get the nice pike on one of my lures, I was a proud poppa.

Then of course no matter how bad the fishing was the beer was just great.
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Post by muskymatt »

great pics Mr.J. :) The rain shot is a classic. :lol:

Nice chat room at the end of each day too :D

All kinds of good info!
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Post by Fishhawk »

As promised, here is the week-end from my point-of-view...

First - I have to tell you that I have never worn one of those bug nets over my head. I have run around waving my hands over my head like a mad man, but I have never given in to wearing a net. On Thursday morning, within minutes of arriving at our accomodations on Bark Lake, Musky Matt looked like this...

Here is why... this is the cover of my Princecraft about 2 minutes after we arrived at the boat launch. The black flies afforded my head and clothing no different treatment.


Note Bobber is wearing a bug net too. When we got out on Bark Lake thre was enough of a breeze to keep the bugs at bay. What a relief. Already I was suffering from blood loss. Oh - and by the way - that's our new boat - A Princecraft Pro Series 169. We love these 169's.


Later in the afternoon we saw Rider, Vince and Bassmanboss out on the water. They had scored a decent laker by the time we spoke to them, and we were encouraged by their success.


Lakers on the camp fire on Thursday night.


On the move Friday morning - we're on our way to Kashwackamack.


Rider, Vinny and Bassmanboss looking for pike in the sticks on K-wack.

Our digs at Fernleigh Lodge. There's Kpin and Mr. J floating over the Grand Banks... I mean the weed patch in front of Fernleigh that produced more fish than the rest of the Lake. :roll:


Finally - Pints and Rex Mundy could be seen all over the lake.


And though I have no pics of good fish, make no mistake, these pics are recording a great time. Thanks everyone for coming out and thanks to Kevin and Melissa and Cynthia for making our stay at Fernleigh very comfortable. That 10 man cottage was perfect for 10 guys to hide from the bugs and rain.
"gotta run like a madman bye thanks see ya good luck"
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Post by Rider23 »

Man it was a Great weekend spent with great guys, I'll put my post and pictures in here tomorrow I hope, been a busy 3 nights since we got back on sunday... Damn Muskie fishing has been taking all my time :D
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