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Theives on the Mississippi

Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2006 12:06 pm
by bts
Just wanted to warn anybody with an Iceshack on the Mississippi that there have been a lot of breakins in the last week. I would suggest that you don't leave anything of value in your shack. Hopefully someone will catch these twits. :evil: :evil:

More Ice Shack B&E's

Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2006 12:45 pm
by Braeside
I understand some fellas on Taylor (Clayton & Taylor) have had some overnight visits too.

Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2006 1:05 pm
by JimmyBuffett
They better not come to White Lake cause I'll be waitin for them :evil: 8) Clayton too eh? Didn't have any trouble last year but my shack does look like crap :wink:




Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2006 1:20 pm
by Braeside
First time I've heard of problems at Taylor is a couple of years. Always seems to a problem early in the year (mostly young lads - I hope). Last year one of our pals got hit out at Shirley's Bay, but there was nothing to take.

How is the ice on White Lake :?: . My neighbour's neice who lives up there was saying there are is still some thin spots...but didn't say when she had heard this.

Have you heard how the lads are doing on the head pond at Arnprior?


Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2006 1:30 pm
by joco

and i would be very,,,,,,,,, :evil: ....

but i would make some little plan for them,,,,, :twisted: ,,,

my shak would be the last one visite..... :twisted:

somthing to do wit springs,,,,,and batterie operated alarme systeme,,,,,,,and pepper spray,,,,,,, :twisted: ....

it could almost be fun to watch,,,,,,,, :twisted:

but man would i be %?$/%&/%/ if sombody hit my shak........

we did got stole in the cottage,they toke about 1500$ worth off stuff... :x ,,,first time in the last 30 years we are there,,,,,....

nobody need those things happen to ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, :?

be carefull guys ,and do not let anything in view,,,,,,,,,or anything value in there....... :o


Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2006 5:25 pm
by Northern King
That would really suck to get your stuff stolen. I heard last year at petrie there was alot of shacks getting broken into and they would steal anything any everything including stoves. MH I would definitely not leave that power auger out there thats for sure!! I think you are pretty safe where you are but you never know.

Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2006 7:15 pm
by Wall-I-Guy
They get anything out of yours Brian?

Unfortunate but, there has to be some in every crowd!

Break ins

Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2006 8:29 pm
by soggy bottom boy
A bunch of us got robbed on the Rideau last year at the mouth of the Kemptville Creek and at the Ferguson Forest Centre. Took my Jiffy and propane heater. I would say it was someone with another shack or who had driven by on a sled as they only broke into the huts with power augers. Nothing in the shack this year --- kinda defeats the purpose of having a shack if you need to lug everything each trip.


Posted: Tue Jan 10, 2006 7:41 am
by Sluggo
Well at least Christmas break is over....... punks should be back to school. I was out to my shack on the Miss yesterday and everything was fine. We are usually there at least 3 times a week. Always looks recently used.

BTS, What end of the lake? Did they hit a bunch in one of the villages or more or less single out shacks by themselves?



Posted: Tue Jan 10, 2006 8:41 am
by bts
The Grasshopper Point area has been hit hard. 12 Shacks cleaned out. Guys have lost everything. Augers, stoves and equipment.

Posted: Tue Jan 10, 2006 8:54 am
by Sluggo
WOW, That's horrible.

I'll be heading out today to check on mine again.

Do you have a shack out there? Need it looked at today?

Let me know,


Posted: Tue Jan 10, 2006 9:32 am
by bts
Thanks Drew appreciate the offer. I was out last night and checked mine. Everything was fine although i don't leave much in it anymore. My brother in law is off today and he is gonna be there fishing. My shack is not at Grasshopper point but a couple friends have shacks there.

Posted: Tue Jan 10, 2006 9:57 am
by HitmanHill
There is nothing sacried anymore. At one time you could leave your doors open and everything would be there when you returned and if someone dropped in when you were away the would leave a note and be gone, now you have to padlock the bloody shack and people still feel they are entitled to clean you out. You know we would like to believe it is young punks but the worse part is that it could just as well be someone you are fishing beside. What has the world come to? Hopefully someone catches those @@####^&%.It kind of takes the enjoyment out of the sport doesn't it.

Ice Shelter B&E's

Posted: Tue Jan 10, 2006 8:29 pm
by Braeside
WIG, thanks for the note, and no I did not loose anything. Our buddy, who is a working class guy who hasn't alot of bucks to put out was the victim. He's been out at Shirley's for at least ten years, with the last 3 years in a prefab fold down unit.

To summarize his feelings. Its hard, damned hard when you can't afford to replace the basic stuff stolen from you, and it tempers your attitude about the guys around you, as he said, he wonders if it was them..especially when you are so upset.

Not much you do about the B&E's, even with locks. The punks, or even the guy next door if they decide they want to do you in, it gets done.

A sad state of affairs!


Break- ins

Posted: Tue Jan 10, 2006 9:02 pm
by soggy bottom boy
There isn't alot you can do, but you do need to take pics and record the Serial Numbers of the big items likes augers. When I got ripped-off, I was asked by the OPP for a SN on my 20 year old Jiffy. I didn't have it. I hadn't put any etched markings on the other items either. Without this info no charges ever get laid. I was told that an officer stopped a car with 5 power augers in it, but with no SNs reported nothing could be done. I'll bet mine was among them. Not next time.
