Thoughts on the 2005 F-H Derby.

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Thoughts on the 2005 F-H Derby.

Post by Moosebunk »

Three days ago I posted this topic in the Fishing Derby Forum but removed my words because of another more pressing issue going on during that time. That worked out for the best I guess, seeings as how only about 15 people in that 3 days checked the thread. That fact alone kind of strengthens my views in regards to this past years derby.

Here was my original post from friday. BTW, do we have a winner??? The derby ends today right..? :o

Moosebunk wrote: December 2004
It was alot of fun this summer and fall with the derby, but to me the novelty wore off some as the time just kept going.

A year long derby is ridiculous. I mean, come on, it's a "derby" NOT an fishing lifestyle. The idea of it being a year may sound great at the moment because it puts people back in the game sooner rather than later, but once teams get totally spread out by points, some will begin to care less and it'll just become a wait for the finish.

My vote is for a 3 month derby starting at the opening of bass or walleye season. A much more compressed and hopefully competetive race for the participants.

I'd also like to see tighter rules rather than no holds barred go get every species fishing, but that's for another discussion.

Have fun though folks to all who participate. (End 2004 quote)

The whole thing ends this weekend. Thinking back to the 2004 derby I can remember how I enjoyed it, as it came about later in the season, was shorter, was a not only a team effort but a fun personal test, and something new to take part in. I also got out with a few teammates and was glad to have met 3 great guys carping on the St. Larry's. After awhile the novelty of the derby did wear off for me a little though, for I like to compete in a sense, but because of geographics I was forced out by November.

When it was asked last december about the length of the 2005 derby it was taken to a poll and most agreed that a year would be the duration. I stated the above, and a few others replied similarily, but yet majority won. So be it.

Come January participants were off to the races. The derby was rolling along. There was hype and interest in the Derby forum. With each new opener the forum sprung alive again, and people were putting in their points and checking the threads. By August in my opinion, people were continuing to submit points, but it was evident to me that the number of responses in the threads completely dwindled. Personally, what I should have been looking forward to in the fall of 05 was making my southern trip like I had in 04 and getting tonnes of points all at once. Again, a fun test for me. This year I really didn't give a sh!t. By the time fall rolled around and I made my trip south, some aspects of the derby had already created a foul taste in my mouth, and before long, I didn't really care. Although I continued to submit points, the novelty of it all was completely gone.

The 2005 Derby was too long. It lost it's appeal to me, like I had figured it might back in January when it was decided that it was going to be a year long. Although I stated back in Dec04 that a year long derby was "ridiculous," that was probably too harsh a prediction, the derby was simply too long and borderline boring.

Another thing that disturbed me, as it did some others with whom I spoke to, were some questionable submissions back in the early summer. Yeah, we were going on the honour principle, but it my mind, with some individuals, it was obvious (sometimes blatantly) their submissions had little to no validity. And before this bold statement creates a piszing match, understand, it's only "my" opinion, I'm leaving names out so to not "attack" and create a war.

I believe there are some; like the newbies and kids who participated in their first derby, that really enjoyed themselves and learned something new from this derby. Measuring fish, friendly competition, creating opportunities to get out with teammates and new people were bonuses for us all. So I guess all that I am searching to say here is, is that personally, I found this derby went on far too long, lost it's appeal and had some technical and ethical glitches.

Some changes to contribute for a next derby would be...

Instead of 6 different team threads, just keep them all in one. That way everytime you check in to see what's going on with catches, you see what's going on in the entire derby and you cannot be selective. I think this would help maintain a more competetive edge throughout the derby, because you are always forced to see what other teams are doing. It would also generate more interest, because everytime you check into the forums main thread, you are communicating and posting for all, not just your team.

5 fish per species knocked down to 3, shortening the length of the derby by 50% or more.

A "trophy" within a species category needs to be claimed with a photo. Those who do not, and state such reasons as I don't have a digital camera, buy one. A Canon 3.2 megapixel with 3.2 optical zoom is being sold by Audiotronic right now for under $200. There are even cheaper out there. As a part-time/casual minimum wager in high-school I could have had such a camera in 2, maybe even 1 paycheck. You can too.

Re-examine the scoring. Maybe have two categories of fish species. The "awesomes" and the "notso-awesomes" (or something). Use such polls as those done by ODC or OOD that list Ontarios more sought after, or fished species. Muskies, bass, trout, salmon.... whatever the "more popular" fish are, are granted extra points because of their stature. The "notsoawesomes" still get decent points, but, there ends up being no way a 22" largie gets less points to some big butt rockie. Just a suggestion.

I look forward to seeing what the plans are for next years derby if one is in the works. John, you did an awesome job at setting up the spreadsheets, and creating the "look" for the forum. You've had a busy year and stayed on top of things.

Next year will only be better.

Just my $0.02. Please add your own change to the tip jar. :)
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Post by squig69 »

i liked the derby this year and had no problems with the length or the #'s of teams. i thought the derby was very well run and organized, never thought id be measuring a rockie or even a perch :) . the derby had me targetting a couple species that i never thought that i would normally. if theres 1 in the plans for next year then im in again and hopefully get a chance to target a few other "new-to-me" species. what ever the rules are im easy :) change is always good but not always necissary.

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Post by steve-hamilton »

it was only supposed to be a fun derby, and i had (and am still having) fun.


but yes, it wasn't perfect...but what is?
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Post by SALMON »

:D Well I guess the derby means different things to each of us. I will be out fishing if its a 3,6,or 12 month derby. The idea of your 3 best fish instead of 5 has been brought up before and is a good idea. The derby provides an excuse to meet and greet other folks who share our fishing interests and if you can say hey thats a 50 point or a 100 point fish it just adds to the experience. For me the added excitement was ,can I catch all of these different whitefish or gar in 2004. Still no whitefish for 2005 but due to some helpful tips from Markus I managed to catch not only my first gar , but all 5 of them this year. Jonathans face said it all in how proud he was to get his first gar. I think the derby helps us learn a little,play a little....Jonathan and I also met Mr. Ling this year and had fun doing tweak the derby..if the interest is there its for fun. BUt you have to add sheepies. :)
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Post by TroutSlayer »

I lost interest completely, but have a ton of fish I can enter on tha last day of December!
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Post by Wall-I-Guy »

Gotta say, I enjoy it too but, I did lose interest. Too many times I don't even submit fish out of pure "indifference" if that's the right word.

I think a set amount of time would be better but I understand the other arguement from others who may not able to fish during those times.

What'dya do?
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Post by bucketmouth »

This time last year I was excited about it. Thought it was a great way to get out with new people and learn some new techniques. And I did just that. I lost interest though, after ice season. Truthfully, I fish more in the winter than in the summer. Can't say the lost interest was due to length of the derby or the species categories, just plain lost interest. And I definitely wouldn't bother with it again. I do agree with others though, I think the answer might be to revamp the rules, and this year have a poll in place in due time to have as many interested parties vote on things like length of derby, species addition/deletion, etc, before the new year arrives.

Bottom line is that the derby is whatever you want it to be. A sense of belonging, to meet new fisherpeople, or maybe it's your competitive side :D to always want to be on a succesful team. Have fun with it in '06!

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Post by skooter »

:D :D :D

First and foremost, ......thanks to John, the captains, ....and anyone else who had a hand in running things, ....excellent job.... :wink:

I was at first against the long duration, retrospect, ....I guess I was a little jealous, ....cause I didn't do any hard water fishing, ....and it looked like everybody would be miles ahead of me, ...before I even got started...... :cry:

I know for sure that the derby contributed a lot to what I managed to accomplish this year... :D

Changes, .....I don't know, ......definitely think pictures should be mandatory, ...especially for trophies..... 8)

The forgeting the camera scenario, ...won't wash, do it once, ....pretty sure it won't happen again....... :roll:
dead batteries, ....same story......(and it did happen to me, ......once!) :P

Price, ......there's a certain drugstore, (S.D.) selling them for under $100.00, ....4.5 mega pix.....that'll get the job done, ...they sell memory cards too.....

The only other change I can think of for now,
.......Go "Sheepies", ....beat the "Drum", ...etc, ...etc :lol: :wink:

I lobbied for 'em this year, ....and I'd never caught one, :?
.....must have been a premonition,
...cause now I have, :D
......and they would have added a "poopie" load of points for our team...... :D :wink:

Don't mind what changes the "powers that be" come up with, ....... :shock:

Count me in.... :wink:
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Post by saskie »

I was into it right up until Oct, when our fishing season effectively ended. I used the derby as a way of measuring my season compared to last year - my goal was to crack the top 25, and unfortunately I failed.

I personally like a year long derby as some species (trout) are a once a year event for me. I am opposed to mandatory pics for all fish, although I would agree that large, trophies should be substantiated by photos.

Like Salmon said though, I'll be fishing in it whether it's a 3, 6 or 12 month derby.
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Post by Scum Frog »

I suggest a winter derby Jan - March and anothert to start up come April or May and end in October. This would effectivly cover the ice fishing season and the open water season.
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Post by Fishing Freak »

I personally like the derby the way it is.

Adding or subtracting a species, as deemed necessary, is also fine with me.

I still like the 5 fish/species though.

I never lost interest this year, I came into some bad health.

I'll be fishing anyway, even if there is no derby next year, but what I fish for will depend on if there is a derby or not.

I in like Flin.
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Post by steve-hamilton »

the only way i'd shorten the derby, as we live in a country with 12 months of fishing (so it would be silly to have less than that), i'd go with one ice fishing derby that started in december and went to march, then an open water from april to november.

but i guess many would say april to november is too long....

i dont know.

i was fine with 12 months.

i'm hearing things like three and five months....i guess. but we do have 12 months of fishing, heck we have 12 months of open water fishing....

oh well, i'll participate next year no matter what the that i have a better handle on open water fishing, next year the tourney is mine. :D
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Post by SkeeterJohn »

The final results are in: ... 3982#63982

The live stats will remain open for some time for those who wish to check their own results.
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Post by steve-hamilton »

very sneaky fish lips.

i had a few smaller fish that would have culled my bottom smallie and walleye, but i had thought we had second all wrapped up.



as i said above, i had fun all season.

AAAANNNNNDDDDDD i'm still catching a 16 pound walleye this week at Quinte, and now i cant enter it....

you all SOOOOOO lucky, lol. :D

Thanks everyone, especially John, for keeping this thing afloat....I had a great time.

Why else would i have fished for crappie/perch/sunfish/BBR bass (rock bass)/lake trout?

it was a fun way to fish for some species i'd never have considered targetting without this tourney.
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Post by Snag »

I did find it a bit long... but I'm like bucket.. just plain lost interest and probably won't do it again.
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