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Re: new boat advice...kind of

Posted: Thu Aug 07, 2014 9:46 am
by campnfish
I have a friend who fishes out of Petrie island, he parks his boat there on a trailer launches it either with his parents SUV or mine :). They have a fenced marina and lots of people keep boats on shore there.

One thing about keeping your boat at the dock - you have to account for rain and weather. A good storm can swamp a 12ft tinny, even at the marina. The last thing you want is to get to the dock and see your motor under water! You can get one of those auto-pumps for under $40, but then you need a battery, which has to be kept charged etc etc...

I agree with the above posts that a trailer really opens up fishing possibilities. You can tow it with just about anything too.

Do you know anyone that lives on the bodies of water you want to fish? Maybe a friend of a friend? Nothing wrong with asking them if you can beach your boat on their property or leave it at their dock. A nice word and a few pieces of silver will often open up possibilities.

I also might suggest you think about putting the boat somewhere on the Rideau System. Lots of access to lots of water! A lock pass isn't that expensive ($125?).

Re: new boat advice...kind of

Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2014 12:53 pm
by johnsmith7724
Hi all,
thanks for the many responses. Man you guys where not kidding about the fishing in that area :D. I ended up getting a 14 footer and I took it for its first fishing mission last Sunday. I caught 3 bass and one pike. One of the bass was kind of small so never got a pic but the other two were nice...certainly had fun to bring em in (top water action is sooooo cool)
bass1.jpg (2.51 MiB) Viewed 552 times
bass2.jpg (2.05 MiB) Viewed 552 times

The pike was interesting for me because I never caught a pike on a soft plastic before. This one I caught with a havoc minnow like thingy on a jig. I was kind of a weird fight. It hit hard....then as I was reeling it in, it was like it it was stuck....almost felt like a snag. For a moment I felt ....ahh this isn't a a weed snag...and started to tug to pull it free....but then it seemed to go loose and then it tugged again like a fish on the back to reeling in.....and soon seen the fish.
pike.jpg (2.56 MiB) Viewed 552 times
Looks like this pike had a previous encounter with something bigger. Man wouldn't mind see what fish considered a pike a nice meal.

All in all I had a blast :D . Looking foreword to more fishing adventures for sure.

Thanks! Regards, John