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Posted: Tue Feb 08, 2011 12:15 pm
by nips
Thanks everyone, a guided trip on the flats down there is $400 for four hours which is a little steep considering this is a spur of the moment type trip. I will bring some pike equipment down and try to convince a local to show me around the shoreline for lesser of a fee. I will try to surf fish, I tried it in Barbados but didn't have the right setup and the waves kept pushing my bait to shore, I even went out at night and caught these little crabs on the beach, a local told me I needed to use them, but I couldn't keep the bait in the water. Pier fishing is also a good idea, I dont care what I catch as long as I catch something, even if it belongs in an aquarium I will be happy :lol: :lol: Thanks again, hopefully i will have some pics

Posted: Tue Feb 08, 2011 12:23 pm
by fishlover
Congratulations on the lil' one--I have 2 boys (4 and 1) and they are truly the best part of my life(and I typically fish 3 days a week--so life is good!!)

I was just in the Bahamas from Jan 15 to 23rd. I stayed on paradise island at the Atlantis resort, so I will only be able to give specific information on this location. If you are staying in that general area, and would like specifics, I can send you a PM.

Posted: Tue Feb 08, 2011 12:30 pm
by scuro
nips wrote:Thanks everyone, a guided trip on the flats down there is $400 for four hours which is a little steep considering this is a spur of the moment type trip. I will bring some pike equipment down and try to convince a local to show me around the shoreline for lesser of a fee. I will try to surf fish, I tried it in Barbados but didn't have the right setup and the waves kept pushing my bait to shore, I even went out at night and caught these little crabs on the beach, a local told me I needed to use them, but I couldn't keep the bait in the water. Pier fishing is also a good idea, I dont care what I catch as long as I catch something, even if it belongs in an aquarium I will be happy :lol: :lol: Thanks again, hopefully i will have some pics
You get some fish in the surf but look for a channel with current...alway a fish magnet. Fish it like a river, cast up water and reel with the current. Life bait works. Search for shrimp along the shore near current at night. Any spot with current and a light could be awesome on the outgoing. There are dudes who spend days on a bridge with baitrunners.

I thought you were going to spend all your time with your wife?!! :P

Posted: Tue Feb 08, 2011 2:09 pm
by Todd B.
Since you're not going to be tossing flies, here is a link to the suggested spinning tackle and lures for bones in the Bahamas.

Posted: Wed Feb 09, 2011 12:57 pm
by scuro
From a DIY "fishing from scratch" perspective, Bonefish might be the hardest fish of all to tatch down south. It took me 3 trips of fishing every day to finally catch one.

1) first trip I couldn't even sight them
2) I could sight them but either I spooked them or they showed no interest in what I offered
3) Third trip I learned from what happened on the last trip, got specific advice, and caught one the first day.

Truth be told, I'd rather catch a 10 pound snapper or Cuda.