Back on the Water.... Kind of...

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Back on the Water.... Kind of...

Post by JimW »

Well I am finally BACK in BUSINESS.... so to speak!!!

After damaging my old 17 foot aluminum boat back the first weekend in May.... searching for a "new to me" larger boat ..... driving 1600 km round trip to get the "new" boat.... my good buddy Ryan doing a bunch of overdue maintenance of the boat motors to get them running good.....


finally after 4 months without a boat..... we got to get the boat slimed with zombie salmon!!!

My buddy Kyler and I launched the "new" Starcraft last Saturday morning and headed for some staging salmon action. Just as we were going to set up the downriggers we discovered the battery was dead, so switched the downriggers to another battery. And then got out 4 line spread out.... within a couple minutes.... FISH ON!!! and shortly after that we land a "nice" lol pre-spawn chinook salmon.


We continue fishing 30-50 fow in the early morning catching a few and losing a couple before the bite dies.

Unfortunately we lost prime fishing time fooling around with the downriggers, getting a new battery this week. After the shallow bite died off... we pulled our gear and made a run out to 300 feet and set up our 4 rod spread of spoons again.... marked a bit of bait and landed a couple small chinook salmon for the BBQ, but not a lot of action.... back to the dock around lunch time.


So no epic day on the water but put some fish in my "new to me" boat which felt awesome after 4 months.




This past weekend I planned one last salmon trip but the wind forecast was not looking good for Lake Ontario.... so decided Thursday night the plan was walleye fishing on Saturday!!

Unfortunately the "vehicle gods" had other plans.... this was Friday afternoon... so I spent this past weekend cutting the grass and organizing fishing gear.


Stay tuned for an exciting announcement later this Fall or Winter from Jim Wilson Fishing and Fish-Hawk.Net
Jim Wilson
Fish-Hawk.Net Administrator
Smiths Falls DCI REDHAWKS Fishing Team Coach
A big thanks to all the companies that support my fishing adventures.
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