Shirleys bay winter access onto the river

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Shirleys bay winter access onto the river

Post by CCLad »

I realize that this is not the correct season, but I have been dealing with the NCC on this mater since Feb. Rather than send 8 individual pm's to fellow halwker's who asked for updates, thought I would just post my reply to the Ncc regarding the matter. Reading from the bottom up will give you the on going dialog....

"Hi Caroline, first thank you for getting back to me and I’m sorry for the delay in my response.

With respect to winter access to water at Shirley’s Bay, at the time frame your land assessment team went to view the access point at Shirley’s Bay, there assessment was correct and accurate. The access to the river was blocked because a truck went through the ice at the ramp - making the single access point impassable. Also, I agree that the shoreline had melted as well at this point due to mild weather. However, the problem with access to the river at this location/the reason I am asking for change, is not isolated to this one occurrence (in this case, a truck breaking ice) There are many other factors/issues that have been created with the currant access design - by having only a single access point during the winter/ice fishing season.

Below are just a few examples of what issues occur, year after year on a consistsnt basis, that hampers the publics use of the area and prevents public access to the river. (As well as causing damage to personal property as a result of using the presently designed access point)

At the start of the 2016 winter ice season, there was a large impassible ice ridge/pressure crack that naturally formed across the entire access point. Several people (all ice fisherman from Shirley’s Bay) had to use chain saws and axe’s etc. to physically break down the ice barrier, remove the ice in order to gain access to the water. (See photo attached) This is/was not the first time this exact issue has occurred there.

With just the regular use of the single access point by cars and trucks, the traffic naturally create ’s deep rut’s in the ice/on the ramp. I have seen many vehicles get stuck, bottom out and sustain damage, including my own, trying to simply gain access or depart the river. This is directly related to the present design, there is no way to circumvent the ruts/holes and as such, with consistent use the conditions always deteriorate. Another major factor (probably the biggest and most frequent) to restricting public access with respect to the present design at Shirley’s Bay is the drifting of snow. With the size of the rocks that the you/NCC has put into place and the wind blowing predominantly out of the West – North West, large, impassible snow drifts regularly accumulate between the boulders of the launch restricting the access to the river. Countless times I have accessed the river. It snowed, when departing for the shore there are people/vehicles that get stuck blocking the only way off of the ice. I and many others, have had to push – tow and dig stranded people out regularly. Again, the drifting problem of the access point eventually gets resolved by Citizens/good Samaritans that use their equipment and spend their time to clear and provide access and use for the general public. Of course this usually done several days later and does nothing to help or mitigate the problem for families who get stuck trying to use the launch/access point prior to clearing it.

With respect to your comment: “Please note that the area has been delimitated with boulders in order to avoid damage to the grass and other assets as well as to stop vehicles from going near the shoreline.”
In response to this: A) “as well as to stop vehicles from going near the shoreline.” This is the problem/the reason I am writing….. In the winter months, the present design works too well in preventing vehicles from gaining access to the shoreline – On occasions, it stops it all together due to the many different winter conditions that this area is exposed to.
I have been accessing/going to Shirley’s bay for a long time, well over 30 years. There is nothing but flat, slate rock, from the launch (present access point) down the shore line to the west end of the parking lot - and to the east of the launch, all the way down the shoreline to you reach the point. Please click the link I have attached below and or copy and paste it into your browser for a view of what I am trying to describe. There is nothing that can or will be damaged if several boulders were to be moved and thus resolving all access issue’s - even just for the winter time (Fall to spring) ... -75.892349

If you were to make some very slight modifications to the present launch design it would alleviate allot of hardship that is experienced year after year by those in the general public who use this area during the winter months. If you were to just move two boulders at the top (south end, closest to the parking lot ) of the launch, it would resolve the winter access problems, or at least provide options for gaining access should the launch become impassible. If you were to move 1-2 boulders on just the west side of the launch, we, the public would have an additional 100 yards (approximately) to gain access on and off the river should the launch become impassable (as it periodically ALWAYS does). As stated (and pictured in the link), doing so would have zero effect on any of the land/grass and surrounding area/assets due to the geological makeup of the shoreline in this area.
Simply have a backhoe go to Shirley’s bay in Nov, move 2 boulder’s for the winter and then replace them in the spring. The expense of this plan would be minimal, improve access safety, ease of use and would be GREATLY appreciated by all of the users of this area.
In closing, I would be more than happy to meet with your land assessment team and or any other member of the NCC to further discuss, plan, or go over any questions that you may have regarding this matter.
Thank you for your time and consideration and please advise of your plans going forward,
Tim Power."

From: NCCInfoCCN []
Sent: Monday, March 20, 2017 1:59 PM
To: POWER, Tim (EXT - CA) <>
Subject: Reply for the case CC-133614-C4T7D9 - Shirley's bay water access CRM:0002628
Importance: High

Mr. Power,
This is a follow up on your request CC-133614-C4T7D9 - 'Shirley's bay water access', created on 2017/03/08 11:24 AM.
Thank you for contacting the National Capital Commission (NCC) and for sharing your comments with us. We apologize for the delay in responding to your email.
In response to your correspondence, we wish to inform you that our land management team assessed the area on March 10th and determined that there were no issues with access to the ice with a vehicle. The issue at that point was that the ice had melted along the shoreline creating a section that was probably not passable by a vehicle without sinking through. This was consistent along the shoreline and not just at the launch. Moving the boulders would not have solved the problem. During the site visit, there was only one shack left and with the cold last weekend we hope that the water along the shore froze enough to pass with a vehicle in order to safely remove the shack.
Please note that the area has been delimitated with boulders in order to avoid damage to the grass and other assets as well as to stop vehicles from going near the shoreline.
Kind regards,
Client Services
National Capital Commission

------------------- Original Message -------------------
From: Tim Power
Received: 2017/03/07 1:20 PM
To: NCC Info; NCCInfoCCN
Subject: Shirley's bay water access

Hello please forward to the correct department A.S.A.P.

I am writing you with respect to the water access at the Shirley’s Bay park on the Ottawa river. When the N.C.C. made their design improvements to this area, you added large boulders creating a single point of access to the river. During the winter months, there is a great deal of recreational ice fishing (as well as other activities) that takes place on ice of Shirley’s Bay. The present design for access to the river has been creating serious hardship for those using it for years. Typical issues would be along the lines of impassible snow drifts filling in the launch area due to the large boulders that line both sides of the launch. This season, the issues have become worse and more serious.

Due to the mild temperatures creating run off and rain we have received, the ice at the launch has given way. I personally know of several vehicles which have been damaged trying to access and or exit the ice from the launch. At present, several trucks have gone through the ice at the launch creating a large hole in the ice, making access to the river unpassable with a vehicle. There are still ice fishing huts and trailers that need to come off the ice and people cannot gain access to materials with their vehicles.

This situation could be easily resolved if you were to remove one of the large boulder’s at the top of the launch, (from both the east and west side of the launch), thus allowing vehicles to gain access to the river from different points when situations like the present one occur. The M.N.R. has a mandate that all ice huts/trailers must be off of the Ottawa river (zone 12) by mar. 15th. Time is a pressing issue on this matter. Please advise if you can and will help the public out with this situation.

Thank you and regards,

Tim Power
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Re: Shirleys bay winter access onto the river

Post by emeraldpirate »

Let's not forget we're dealing with a Municipal organization. It clearly sounds that moving "1" boulder will surely be too much to ask for. Instead of encouraging local outdoor activity it seems that bureaucratic hurdles always seem to trump local sportsman and or outdoors enthusiasts.

Same old :-(
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Re: Shirleys bay winter access onto the river

Post by Climber2k »

So the MNR states , quite clearly, that they are protecting both the shoreline and the grass aree for other users but you still gripe about it.
Surprisingly the world doesn't revolve around making access to recreation easy. Sounds like the community already solves some of the problems, and sometimes you just can't get what you want.
Only stupid people are breeding
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Re: Shirleys bay winter access onto the river

Post by CCLad »

Climber2k wrote:So the MNR states , quite clearly, that they are protecting both the shoreline and the grass aree for other users but you still gripe about it.
Surprisingly the world doesn't revolve around making access to recreation easy. Sounds like the community already solves some of the problems, and sometimes you just can't get what you want.
It's the NCC and there's nothing to protect. Look at the link......
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Re: Shirleys bay winter access onto the river

Post by smitty55 »

CCLad wrote:
Climber2k wrote:So the MNR states , quite clearly, that they are protecting both the shoreline and the grass aree for other users but you still gripe about it.
Surprisingly the world doesn't revolve around making access to recreation easy. Sounds like the community already solves some of the problems, and sometimes you just can't get what you want.
It's the NCC and there's nothing to protect. Look at the link......

Right on Tim. As we know it's all rock there and nothing else. Some folks should make sure they know what they're talking about before spouting foolish comments. Keep up the good work lad.


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Re: Shirleys bay winter access onto the river

Post by CCLad »

Update .... About no progress ... :) I'll stay on them until I get a flat NO. That said, we may have to collectively get a petition going..couldn't hurt. Will wait for and post their response.

Thank you for your email and for taking the time to share your comments and suggestions with us regarding water access at Shirley’s Bay. Please rest assured that these have been shared with the land management team involved. Should they have comments or questions related to your email, we will certainly be in contact with you.

Kind regards,

Client Services | Service à la clientèle
National Capital Commission | Commission de la capitale nationale

From: Power, Tim (EXT - CA/Ottawa) []
Sent: Friday, June 02, 2017 11:27 AM
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