The story so far... My quest for a 40 inch northern...

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The story so far... My quest for a 40 inch northern...

Post by qcconnection »

Haven't posted anything on here in a while, so, I thought I'd update on how 2014 has been on the ice so far.

We'll start this off from late 2013. I made it a goal, to ice a 40 inch northern this year. With ridiculous cold temperatures late last year, by the time " winter fishing " started, ( 5 lines per person ) around the 20th of December, we had more than enough ( what I consider ) safe ice, somewhere in the neighborhood of 9-10 inches of clear ice.

Started off my season in the lake next to my house, that used to be a pike paradise, but was severely lacking in years passed.

First day on the ice was... Disappointing. I figured that I'd have lots of days with " a bite " and that'd be it.

Un deterred by the previous day, although a little skeptical, I returned a day later.

Set up lines in between a narrow part of the lake, dead center in a spot with a rocky shore on one side, and a nice cabbage patch on the other, in 20-25 FOW. I had been set up for a couple of hours, not had a flag or a mark on the sonar. Then, bingo. Game on.

First fish I iced of the 2013/2014 season. A 32 inch dandy of a northern. I was ecstatic.

20 minutes later, wham. Same line. Pulled up this beauty.


Smaller than the first. A lot of guys will probably scoff about me being excited for catching 2 pike, but, after the amount of days I've had on this lake, with " a bite " or nothing but cold hands and feet, it felt like I was on a fishing show!!!

Couple of more " selfies " with what would turn out to be my last 2 fish of 2013.


This is a real " double double "


Chapter 2.
Well, having contracted some awful, horrible, fire hose flu, that left me at home and out of commission for Christmas, I bit the bullet, and sold my Quickfish 3, and pulled the trigger on a brand new Clam Nanook. Best investment I've made for fishing in a while.


The complete setup with the workhorse, the mighty morphin' Yamaha Bravo.


This little guy was the 'Nook's first victim. Caught on my personal favorite all purpose ice lure, my pink fire tiger jigging rap. I named her Pinky.


With work, part time firefighting and family commitments, I didn't get a chance to get out for a couple of weeks. The next day I Had a chance to get out, was one of those days where it was a balmy -25 as a high. I was snug as a bug in my Nanook with my buddy heater. Pinky struck again.


Being a huge football fan, this was my ultimately short sighted Super Bowl prediction.


My cousin calls me up one day, and asks me if I wanted to hit the ice for an afternoon. Sure I said.

We get set up in a nice, long weedy bay. Nothing for the first couple of hours, then, just as my cousin to finished saying " man, it'd be nice if we at least had a bite ", flag up.


We both laughed at that. Then, he starts jigging as I was resetting the tip up that had just gone off. He iced another.

( his fish is on my left. )

We were both pretty pumped about having got 2 nice pike in a lake that hadn't produced a lot of fish for years.

He starts jigging again, and, wouldn't you know it, bang. We finished the day with 3 pike. I kept one for the freezer, and he kept his two for his wife and kids.


The next day, I headed down to my lake. Met up with a couple of my. Neighbors friends, who were fishing in one of the worst spots on the lake. Seeing as how they were already set up, I joined them. Set up 4 lines, and hole hopped with my Lowrance X67C and iced my smallest pike ever. A whopping 13 incher.



Again, due to work and other things, I was sidelined for a couple of weeks.

This brings us to this passed weekend. I fish alone most often times, so fishless days are pretty hard to swallow.
Saturday, following the solunar calendar, I set up in my favorite spot... Wham. Bang.

This big girl was 31.5 inches... Getting close to my 40...

15 minutes later, pow.


A 30.

20 minutes after that, cha-Ching!!!! The hat trick!!


32!!!! That 40 is in there. I know it.

All 3 in one frame. Coloring is somewhat different on all 3.


After plowing Mother Nature's latest gift, I had time to hit the ice for a couple of hours yesterday.
45 minutes in... FLAG. I thought this was it. Huge runs. Line was almost smoking coming off the tip up.


That's been my season so far. On this lake, I've never had fishing like this. Ever. I used to hear my grandfather talk about the good ol' days. Pike everywhere. I used to think he was full of it. Until now!!

This was one of his " good ol' days "

This picture is about 25 years old.


So, to sum it up, no 40 inch northern yet. But it's going happen. I can feel it. And I'll keep trying until it does.

Best of luck to everyone for the remainder of the ice season. Stay safe and catch fish!!!
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Re: The story so far... My quest for a 40 inch northern...

Post by fishlover »

Those are nice thick fish. I don't understand why more people don't eat them. they are delicious
No matter how many fish I land, it's ones that got away I think about most. :']
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Re: The story so far... My quest for a 40 inch northern...

Post by Lvace »

Nice Pike there!! Happy the clam is working out for you and the quickfish 3 has been a blast for me!!!! I feel your blues on being sick as just after I bought the quickfish 3 my flu became pneumonia!! I hope you have more luck and tight lines!!
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