Global warming predictions

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Global warming predictions

Post by YakAttack »

Dont' get me wrong, I'm very concerned about the effects of global warming because I think that eventually we're going to suffer big-time from it. But we might as well enjoy some of the effects during the transition.

So let's say overall the seasonal temperatures increase. The timing of relative temperature changes will still be the same since global warming doesn't affect the earth's orbit, tilt of the axis, etc. But overall, the period of time will lengthen when the temperature is warm enough to encourage bass growth. Which means that our bass will be able to reach greater sizes during their lifetime. BIGGER BASS! :D

Then again, who knows what will happen. Maybe unpredictable and freakishly wicked thunderstorms, tornadoes, snows squalls, etc that happen in July will make it too dangerous to risk going out on the water. And what if effects on plant growth affect the food chain in a way that causes predators to eventually starve.

Lots of variables that I don't know enough about to make any serious predictions, but for now I'll live under the illusion that warmer temperatures will cause bigger bass. Might be intersting to compare tournament catch results from year to year....
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Post by almontefisher »

A few weeks ago a journalist puplished a report in The Journal of Sience reported that the earth goes thru a natuaral global warming every few million years and this has happened 5 times since earths creation. We are helping to speed this up but it will happen anyway. Plants die,species go extinct but it all happens for reasons we do not fully understand. We may feel the more severe effects in our life time but it will correct itself as it always does.

As for bigger bass....that is how the dinausors got so big...the last warming created a large amount of O2 ( oxygen ) which allowed for larger glands which made larger lungs etc..etc.. so yes things will get bigger as well...Imagine a 20lb bass..what a fight it would bring.
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Post by BBRich »

Bigger musky bait is always a good thing. :lol:
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Post by Kpin »

No doubt this will cause instability metorogically eventually but I don't think that'll be the case for a very long time. Doubt our grandchildrens, grandchildren will even suffer the true result.

From what I've seen and read, Almonte is right. Not sure the timeframe but sure enough the Earth seems to go through major climate changes every few million years. If I rem correctly during a large chunk of the time dinosaurs ruled the planet, Canada was actually for the large part a rainforest like climate comparable to Southern American climates. Whereas other parts of the globe we now know as warm climates held the opposite.

They say necessity is the mother of all invention and I think it holds true. When it gets bad enough, mankind will temp. stop thinking of ways to wield power, make $$$ or kill each other just long enough to solve the greater prob. at the time. I'd wager 100-150 yrs b4 we actually try to find a way to repair the hole in the ozone layer.

I'm hoping by then cryogenics will be a reality and we can unfreeze Oprah and use her gigantic ego to patch the hole. (Sorry Oprah lovers...don't get me started on her... :lol: ).

But Scott, I think your bang on. Going untreated, pollution, ozone depletion, global warming, el nino, etc. is going to catch up to us and make things like the sunami, hurricanes, tornado's and other such destructive natural events more commonplace.

Sheesh...I just succeeded in scaring and depressing myself at the same time! :cry:
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Post by YakAttack »

Kpin wrote: Sheesh...I just succeeded in scaring and depressing myself at the same time! :cry:
We should be scared. But just keep thinking of the big fish we're gonna catch :wink:
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Post by almontefisher »

KPIN: You takin those smart pills that are to the left of your pain pills...Good for you...that made so much sense it scared me too.
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Post by OBD »

I heard from the news that in 2048 or so, there will be no more fish in the ocean due to the heat. I don't believe it, but it might be true :| ... RSS_PUBLIC

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Post by Fishboy »

A couple of months ago the CBC Radio program, Quirks & Quarks, did a feature on global warming based on research that was carried out over the past few years by British climatologists. They confirmed that global warming is a cyclical event and that the change usually took anywhere from 10,000 to 100,000 years.

Their research also indicated that this latest global warming trend has shown temperature increases have been dramatically accelerated. They concluded that human activity (air pollution) was the catalyst in this acceleration.

As a fly fisherman who mainly targets cold water species, this is extremely disturbing to me.
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Post by Kpin »

:lol: :lol: :lol: I've messed up Almonte with the thought there might be some limited intelligence on the other end of the computer here. (He'll need a rubber room once I start watching the Discovery Channel and National Geographic while reading the encyclopedia and dictionary).
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Post by Wallyboss »

Perma-frost. Now those are 2 words that go together well. I'm getting shivers just thinking of it. Joco imagine being able to ice fish 365 days a year. I would be in heaven. Then I might think of buying a 3hp(Diesel) with a 100" long bit auger.

Dan aka WB

When Hell freezes over!!!!!I'll be there icefishing!!!!!!!!!!
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Post by teppy »

I think we are going to see the effects sooner than later. With all the people in the world today and the industry trying to keep up to an insatiable appetite of demands for everything from A to Z.
Let alone if anyone read the article in the Sun a while ago of just how much raw sewage was still being pumped into the great lakes as of today.
All the untreated grey water from the sewers. (including cigarette butts)
Lets all remember there is less salt content in surface waters of the ocean thus stronger and more frequent hurricanes.
Heres some info for thought.
I work for a feeder plant for GM trucks.....
There is if I recall correctly 5 truck plants in North America (Just trucks)
GM oshawa makes roughly 1300 trucks in 24 hrs (3 shift operation)
I`ve worked here 18yrs and we have ran 6 days a week for 17 of them.
Now 5 plants ..... just trucks...... you do the math..........
Try to explain that this isn`t going to mess up the enviroment!!!!
We are pumping tons of CO 2 in the air and the forests are being rapidly depleted as I write this.
Not trying to be negative....just trying to give you the reality that something should be done sooner than later.
Its like all the new chemicals they develop today. You read an MSDS sheet (material safety data sheet) and they don`t know any long term effects.
I`m all for the bigger bass but what about the cold water fish?
I could ramble on and on with this topic and you can go ahead and call me a tree hugger if you want.
But in the end we only have one earth and we treat it S**T
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Post by Kpin »

Nah Teppy, really BIG dif. between a "granola crunching, sadal wearing, tree hugger" that wants to save...ummm say the commorant!? Simply because it's a living creature without being able to figure out the greater damage to multiple species and habitat.

Than the basic, level headed, concerned average person who's realized the fact we're not only destroying our own habitat, we're slowly and effectively killing ourselves. Already done a great job at poisoning the air, poisoning our food supply with chemical cancer causing pesticides/herbecides used on our produce. Hormonaly induced livestock ready for slaughter in 1/4 of the normal time. Dumping all kinds of crap into the single largest mass of fresh water on the whole of the planet.

Treehugger? Nah.... Someone with the basic common sense we seem to be lacking in the mass populace in general? Def! Let's hope more see the obvious that is right in front of them.
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