What's in it for me?

This is where it's all going on. One can ask for advice or general information or simply chew the fat about fishing tackle, tips, and locations.
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What's in it for me?

Post by chilli »

Recently while participating as a volunteer in a fishing tournament in Port Colbourne, I was engaged in conversation with a competitor as to what it was that I was doing. After briefly describing the duties I had carried out that day, I made an attempt to recruit the man into our conservation club.

It was then that he asked that question. The question that tells you your wasting your time and that you will probably never be able to make him understand. The question that sums it all up and explains why the state of our environment, fisheries and wildlife are in such poor shape.

The question was 'WHAT'S IN IT FOR ME'?

The man wanted to know why I wasn't in the boat competing for all the great prizes and couldn't fathom working the gate stopping booze from leaving the licensed area instead. Why would I pay to join a conservation club and spend some of my spare time working? I ask "why do people feed the birds"?

If it were not for conservation clubs, outdoor organizations or even a consorted effort by a group of private individuals, this man would only be competing for bragging rights. The conservation work that is done by volunteers is recognized by sponsors who donate the prizes. We earn the great prizes that we all receive back from the outdoor industry. Fishing for them is just the fun part.

It seems to me allot of us don't recognize the impact we have on our environment. If we didn't put effort into repair and maintenance, there would be few fish to enter into a contest. Spawning beds have been destroyed by human activity and the water flowing over them has been polluted. Organizations like the "Friends" groups have restored stream banks and reintroduced plants that filter pollution. Conservation clubs have reintroduced species of fish, some of which were thought to be extirpated. Environmental organizations have found solutions to stop pollution at it's source.

The story is no different for birds, wild game and forestry. It takes the work of the few volunteers among us to maintain, save and repopulate our surroundings which we all benefit from. Without these things we could not survive. Should we not all be somewhat responsible for the solution to a problem we have all created?

I think that there is one job volunteer service groups do that needs more people to carry it out. That job is education. Those pamphlets we stuff in goody bags for our kids programs aren't for the recycle box. They're meant to be read so kids grow up knowing that dumping bait buckets can kill more fish than the bucket holds. That littering doesn't get rid of garbage and that we are part of the environment that we are creating.

The question that should be asked is "WHAT'S IN IT FOR US AND HOW CAN I HELP"?

Dan Andrews
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Post by Pints »

Unfortunately, that is the attitude of so many people today. But keep your chin up. It is really refreshing to know that you are doing the best you can, and it is not just for "me" or whats in it. Keep up the good work.
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Well said, Dan.

Post by Cancatchbass »

Excellent post, Dan.

I wonder how many Hawk-Talkers actively partcipate in programmes to improve the environment and assist in preserving our fisheries and wildlife?

I mean- not just talk about the problems we face, but actively volunteer on a regular basis?

Hats off to those that do. For those that don't, why not give it a try? There is a real sense of satisfaction in knowing you're part of the solution and not just sitting on the sidelines watching the situation getting worse...

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Post by wolfe »


You have my appreciation and gratitude for your environmental concern, your donated time and your efforts. I think we're all very lucky to have people like you out there.

Thanks, Dad, for taking me fishing when I was a kid.
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