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KPIN Ice Derby 2007

Posted: Thu Feb 15, 2007 3:04 pm
by Bobber
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<font size="12"><b>KPIN Ice Derby</b></font>

<i><b>Supporting the Fight Against Cancer</b></i>

It was early December of 2006, when we heard the news that a fellow angler had been diagnosed with Cancer. In every walk of life, this is not news that one likes to hear, and I'm sure we always think to ourselves..."I wish there was something I could do to help!".
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Well in this case, there was!

A group of anglers from our very own community, along with the tremendous support from local businesses, individuals, and other websites, all joined together to create an Ice Fishing Derby with the sole purpose of raising funds for the Canadian Cancer Society, and bringing awareness to the effects of this terrible disease.

On February 10th, 2007, Oziles @ Petrie Island was the venue where the event would be held. We arrived on site at about 5:30am, after a hot cup of coffee and some breakfast at a local restaurant along the way. <img align="right" src=" ... m.jpg">The morning was a little chilly, but not as cold as we had grown accustomed to for the year so far. Yves already had the fire in the little cabin going, and was in the process of putting up the walls to the registration and weigh in tents.

There were already a few anglers on site at this time, getting ready to head out onto the ice for a day of fun and fishing. The gang quickly jumped in to help Yves and his staff out in setting up the main HeadQuarters, draping tarps to try and hold the heat in, setting up the measuring station, getting ready with the registration table, putting the signage out on the road, and displaying the banners of the many businesses, who without their generosity, we would not have been able to pull the event off.
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After the main areas were setup, we set aside an area to display the prizes, along with a few silent auctions for some fantastic Gear, Lodging, and Fishing Adventures. This idea was a great success at the end of the day, and a definate "do over", I as say to my wife when she cooks something new that turns out great.

<img align="left" src=" ... 07_003.jpg"> <img align="right" src=" ... 05.jpg">At 7:00am sharp, the registration tent opened for business. Of course I wasn't there for the grand opening, since earlier that morning I discovered my wife's keys in my pocket, and had to run them all the way back to Stittsville. :oops: No worries though, the fellas had everything under control and I wasn't even missed. :D

As the sun was rising higher, our competitors quickly scrambled to setup, drill their holes, and prepare for a day of plenty. It was a beautiful morning, and great day for being on the ice fishing.

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<img align="left" src=" ... 07_164.jpg"> <img align="right" src=" ... 07_161.jpg"> After about an hour past registration, the first fish started to come in for the official measurements. With Joco and Hoghunter manning the measuring contraption, we were sure to have accuracy beyond any other derby in the history of Ontario. :lol: (or at least this is what I tease them about.)

Measure twice, record how the saying goes....doesn't it? Well something like that anyway. Fish after fish was brought in to see how it measured up against the standing leader.

We could always tell when a truck or wheeler rolled up carrying a large heavy cooler, that a fish was about to be measured, and we all flocked to the measuring tent like flies on a 7 day old egg sandwitch. :mrgreen: The anticipation was killing us, as the fight for the leader board continued.

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<img align="right" src=" ... 68.jpg">As the day went on, and the registration tent was moved into the heated cabin, some of us began to seemingly get a little comfortable in all that heat. Feeling the pressures of staying up most of the night before, organizing prizes and making sure everything was good to go, combined with a little toastiness and a soft armchair have the makings of a good siesta. (zzzzzzzzzzzzz). One of our newest members here, "Badger Bait", did an amazing job at gathering all the prizes and packaging them up for the day. (I hear Badger Shark helped too :lol: )Thanks a million, it was greatly appreciated. You definately deserve a little snooze on the day.

Petrie Island was a sea of Ice Huts, Trailers, Cars, Trucks, ATVs, Snowmobiles, and folks who just came out to drill a hole and sit on a bucket. No matter how experienced, how prepared, or whether it was their 1000th or 1st time ice fishing, people came to participate.

The ice was a buzz of power augers, camraderie, ice sliding, tailgate BBQ's, and of
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<img align="left" src=" ... 07_152.jpg"> <img align="right" src=" ... .jpg">Even the Local Media had heard of the event, and wanted to catch some of the action.

At one point, we thought the music was too loud when this gentleman on the right pulled up. I can see the headlines now.....

<i><b>Ice Fishing Derby raises $4000 for Cancer other news....Ice Fishing Derby fined $5000 for disturbing the public peace. </b></i> :shock:

Turns out though, our man in blue was just dropping by to give a donation. Thanks a million, it's appreciated.
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I don't know exactly how many fish were brought in, or caught that day, but the last I heard was that the bite was on and off. Seems there were a few groups who had set themselves up in the swim pattern. When one tip up went off, the others were not far behind, and then nothing for a while, only to be repeated again and again, as if the fish were just swimming around in big circles, coming around every now and again to the dangling bait in front of them.

Here are a few of the fish that were brought to the tent for measurement.

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As the day went on, we managed to get out on the ice and snap a few quick pics of the participants while fishing, or just hanging around. I believe the estimated number of participants was around 175 with half participating in the competitive derby, while the other half just getting out for a day of fishing and a chance or two at the great stuff during the end of day cerimony.

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While the fishing continued on the ice for the rest of the day, Clown Worship worked his magic back at the hut with a little music for us to listen to while we kept warm. On behalf of the entire organizing committee, I'd like to thank him for coming with his Audio equipment and allowing us to use it for the day. I can remember the first time I did an Ice derby at Petrie Island, we used nothing but a small Bull horn and barked at the crowd of people from on top of a snowbank.

<img align="right" src=" ... 3.jpg">The next year, we teched it up a bit with an amplifier and microphone mounted on the tailgate of a truck, however the microphone we were using only had a very short cord, and you couldn't really get very far from the amp to avoid feedback. Kurt Stoodley and Big Jim ended up just throwing it away I believe, and yelling.

Now, with the KPIN Ice Derby.......a total sound system, complete with mixer board, music, and mic stand. These Derbies are sure moving up in the world....thanks to folks like Clown Worship.

Well time sure flies when you're having fun. To me, it seemed like we just got there, setup, and began the day. Little did I realize that it was noon already. As I looked around the headquarters, all seemed to be in order, so I decided to head out for a couple hours of fishing myself.

I packed up the ATV and headed out to find "THE SPOT". As I was driving just outside Baitshop Bay, I saw a little clearing with fishermen on either side of me. I thought to myself, "there it is", and quickly went over to drill a few holes. I baited my hooks, 1 tip-up and 1 jigging rod, set the tip up on one hole, and started jigging in another. I thought for sure, I'd jig one up here. Good location, nice little hole on an edge, this is definately the place. wasn't. :oops: Not today anyway. I decided to try another spot, but before I knew it, the day was over and it was time for the awards cerimony.

<img align="left" src=" ... .jpg"><img align="right" src=" ... 07_154.jpg"> As 3:00 approached, people started to head in and congregate around the HeadQuarter tents. Yves, from Oziles, was kind enough to set these up for us, and even make sure he did whatever he could to keep them heated.

While the entire day was unusually warm for February, why is that whenever these events end, and everyone has to meet in one spot, that it gets cold? I don't get it. Beautiful all day, and at 3:15 when the awards are about to take place, and we have a crowd of people standing around, the wind comes up and the temperature goes down. I'm sure someone up there in heaven was laughing at us.

<img align="left" src=" ... .jpg"><img align="right" src=" ... g">Through the generosity of many local and non-local businesses as mentioned above, along with individual contributions, the KPIN Ice Derby was able to put together a prize table worth over $7,000. Individual contributions to the cause include those made by folks such as JP Ostiguy, Wolfe, Tinbanger, Gettinjiggywithit, Baz fish, Tip Up, Jig Head, Jackel, Charles Sim, Tinbanger, and MuskyMatt. I'm sure there were more, but this is the list I currently have. THANK YOU so much for helping us out.

<img align="left" src=" ... .jpg"><img align="right" src=" ... .jpg">When we announced that we were going to be having an Ice Derby to raise funds for Cancer Research, I was informed by Kpin that he received an e-mail from "Big" Jim McLaughlin. Jim had never met nor spoken with Kpin prior to this, and out of the generosity of the gentle man he is, he offered to come up on the day of the derby and help out. His offer was immediately accepted and Big Jim was asked if he would be our Master of Cerimonies for the awards.

Once again, he proved himself to be a great speaker, and someone to whom we can all look up to. Thanks Jim.

Awards started with winners of the competitive Pike and Walleye Derby. There were 4 prizes in this category, 1st & 2nd place Walleye and 1st & 2nd place Pike.

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1st Place Pike @ 30.5 inches - <b>Mark Macey</b> (Iceman)

2nd Place Pike @ 28 inches - <b>Don Champagne</b>

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1st Place Walleye @ 19.75 inches - <b>Bill Bratt</b> (Erie-Eyes)

2nd Place Walleye @19.5 inches - <b>Eric Riley</b> (The Fishstick)

<font size="4"><i>CONGRATULATIONS to all the winners!</i></font>

<font size="3"><b>Through the combined efforts of our community of anglers, local businesses, and volunteers.....the KPIN Ice Derby has raised almost<font size="4"><u>$4000</u></font> for the Canadian Cancer Society. A phenominal accomplishment to say the least.</b></font>

I cannot thank everyone enough for making this event a great success for the Canadian Cancer Society. Apart from the organizing committee, the following volunteers, who set their day aside to provide extra value to the event, derserve a big thank you.

* Big Jim - Master of Cerimonies, and not a bad fisherman I hear. :D
* Ken Elliot - First Aider and the guy who kept the cabin warm.
* Kelly Goan - Canadian Cancer Society
* Marty - Canadian Cancer Society Volunteer
* Brian Rouble - Photographer
* Eric Poirier (Clown Worship) - DJ and Audio
* Jessica Cassidy (Mrs. Badger Shark) - Registration and Awards
* Cara Hicks - Volunteer
* Seabass and all the staff of Oziles

The organizing committee hopes to make the KPIN Ice Derby an annual event. If you'd like to participate in the organization of any future derbies, please let us know at the time of announcement. The 2007 Ice Derby was planned and organized by the following members of the angling community.

<center>Kpin, Badger Shark, Yves Granmaitre (Oziles), Jackel, HogHunter, Almonte Fisher, Bear, Joco, JP, and myself.
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Missing from above picture is Yves of Oziles, as he was very busy taking care of everyone.

Until next time, take care, and keep warm.</center>

<img align="left" src=" ... .jpg"><img align="right" src=" ... nter>Click these links if you'd like to read what others are saying about the day.

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Posted: Fri Feb 16, 2007 11:08 am
by joco

this is one off the best report i ever saw on a derby.

extremely well done bobber.

what a fantastic day we had there.

i did enjoy the company off all off you down there.

all done a great job(team effort)

thanks bobber for this.

thanks to all tha came to the derby...and all sponsors.

joco. :D

Posted: Fri Feb 16, 2007 12:09 pm
by OBD
Like joco said, very well done bobber! This is a very good report of the beautiful day we had for a great cause! Thanks!!

Nodie :wink:

Posted: Fri Feb 16, 2007 12:10 pm
by Iceman
Great report Bobber, thanks for all the pics :D

Posted: Fri Feb 16, 2007 1:28 pm
by Coyote
It was a great day for sure, and once again thanks to the volunteers :D

Posted: Fri Feb 16, 2007 4:01 pm
by Gord
Awesome report Bobber!! :D :D :)

Posted: Fri Feb 16, 2007 4:34 pm
by Mr. T.
What Bowzog said.


Posted: Fri Feb 16, 2007 8:48 pm
by TheFishstick
Excellent write up! Been anxiously awaiting for this episode!


Posted: Fri Feb 16, 2007 9:38 pm
by Kpin
Simply phenominal report :!: I have to again kindly thank everyone that helped in any way to make it a great success for a great cause. :D

Posted: Fri Feb 16, 2007 11:31 pm
by baz fish
Awsome report Bobber. Like you said shure was a nice day.

Posted: Fri Mar 02, 2007 10:44 pm
by Fishhawk
His first Fishhawk Show Episode! Great stuff old squid!