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Fishing trip to Pinecrest

Posted: Thu Jul 13, 2006 7:34 pm
by walleyejohn
I have only written a couple of messages on Hawktalk forum before,
but now I would like to tell you about my fishing trip to the Ottowa River.
The other messages I wrote pertained to the minnow law. I live in Maryland and had heard about Ontario minnows on the Quebec side of the
Ottowa River. This law has been on the books for a long time, I guess, so
this sort of put a damper on our fishing, because we do a lot on the Qubec
side. Anyway we got there on Saturday, June 24th my oldest son, John
and I, my youngest , Jeffie 16, could not make it due to medical reasons. We stayed at one of the big cabins at Pinecrest and rented a
16 foot bass boat. The days were warm and calm but we still caught a
reasonable amount of fish. We caught walleyes at the Swisha and right in front of Pinecrest Lodge on pickrel rigs with Ontario minnows. We also caught a lot of catfish and hammerhandle pike. We didn't get any big pike this year because Jeffie was not with us. he is the big pike guy. He loves those beasts. One day we were up at the Penisault trolling worm harnesses right opposite the outflow, BINGO, three walleyes 20-21 inches in about two minutes, they must have been traveling together. This was my oldest sons first trip to Pinecrest and he liked it. Another day we were trolling worm harnesses at the Second Presquille when John had a big hit, don't be a kitty, don't be a kitty, a walleye, 24 inches, nice fish.
We also caught many smallmouth and largemouth at various places from Turtle Lake to the Penisault. I just love to fish there and can't wait for the next trip. I heard that next year there may be a slot size on walleye, anyone hear about this? I almost forgot that on Thursday afternoon the wind was coming from the west, finally, cloudy skies and a chop on the water, we were in WALLEYE HEAVEN, one after another on worm harnesses, all nice size, all released for next year, beautiful fishing.

Posted: Thu Jul 13, 2006 9:14 pm
by jbarker
Congrats on a great trip john! the slot size they are proposing is nothing over 15 inches until jun15, after that it is all good. Mind on sharing where you got largemouth? The only spots I have ever gotten them there were in turtle lake or right at the entrance.

Posted: Fri Jul 14, 2006 7:57 am
by steve2112
Hi walleyejohn

Someone must have given you some bad info because my understanding is in Quebec you can use live minnows east of the 148 highway. So this would mean all of the ottawa river and St laurence.

It sounds like you did fine on the worms though!!!
