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"Cruisin' Bronte, .....May 5th

Posted: Sat May 06, 2006 5:44 pm
by skooter
:D :D

I guess you could call this, ...making hay while the sun shines, ....hadn't heard from anyone all week, the fishing prospects for the weekend looked rather dismal.... :cry:

Joe had an open spot for today, ....and I managed to persuade him and Squig to give Bronte another try... 8)

Original plan was to meet at the launch at one, .....I left around 12:15, took a half an hour to drive the first 50 miles, ....and a half an hour to drive the last 2 miles, .......ya know, ....transport trucks, ......really suck.... :twisted:

Luckily they were a "little" behind as well, ...or said they were anyways....


The boat's afloat and we're ready to shove off.....


We head to the usual stomping grounds and set up shop, ....water temp was 51 degrees..... :wink:

I go with the green again on one side, ......except the dipsey, cause Joe was putting all green on the other side too.... went with a J13 silver black, didn't matter, .....cause we marked nothing, .....and caught nothing, .....all along there :?

Decision time, ...keep shallow and head around past the harbour, ....or try deeper.... :shock:

From reports I heard, ...we decided to try deeper, ....I was still reluctant to give up on the green, I changed the dipsey to a blue Xrap.... :wink:

As we got deeper, ....just dropped the balls and let more line out on the dipsey's ....We were in about 60ft. and I had just finished letting the dipsey out some more, ....when the line starts screaming, .....Since I'm right there, ....I grab it, :D

Ya know, in other people's boats is neat, get to play more fish.... :lol:

She put up a pretty good battle, ....but squigy got to be my netman for a change...


We retraced our steps but didn't hook into anything else, ....we decided to keep going out to 100ft or so and see what happens, :roll:

....Nothing, :cry:

However, .....decide it's no worse than shallow, we stay at that depth and head back up towards the pier..... 8)

We're chatting away when the other dipsey goes, .....Joe grabs this one and the fight is on... :D

Three days later, ...or so it seemed.... :lol:


We really weren't marking nothing out there, .....but we keep going, ......same dipsey fires again and it's squig's turn....

Another nice fish in the boat


After tweaking the presentation a little bit........

Bingo..... my second today.....


We're still not marking squat down there, ....but the proof is in the pudding, to speak.... :wink:

Another hit, ....We lost it on the hand off unfortunately, .....damn!!!!!

4 for 5 so far, .....I hate losing fish..... :cry:

We're set up again, the rigger fires, :shock: ....I grab it, ...make sure she's hooked and then give it to squigy, .....This was a nice fish, ....we ended up clearing just about everything to get this puppy in, ....I had trouble lifting it into the boat....

This fish would have been a great derby fish for last weekend, .....30 lb. anyways, ....33 by Joe's scale, ...but he said it weighs a little high


We had just about everything in now, decided to call it a day, ...afternoon, ....evening, ...whatever.... :lol: :wink:

Back at the launch, ...we loaded and tied down the boat, ...then relaxed for a bit...... :D



So we ended up 5 for 6, ...I finally caught a fish out of Joe's boat, ....Squigy gets his PB king,( ....I'm gonna start charging him I think, ...everytime we go out, ...he gets a "first" something... :roll: ) :lol:

Thanks for the invite Joe, .....It was a fun way to spend a friday, ....from the insults, the high fives, ....a couple of great guys to head out with..... :wink:

skooter .......

Posted: Sat May 06, 2006 9:36 pm
by Tip-up
Bet ur glad you moved to deeper water eh' skoot 8) Great report and pics as always! :P :wink:

Posted: Sun May 07, 2006 9:15 am
by Fishquest
Congrats. Looks like Lake O is off to a great start for the season.

Posted: Mon May 08, 2006 8:39 am
by sportfish_dom
Great report Skooter!

Posted: Mon May 08, 2006 3:11 pm
:D We may have to change your nickname to salmonskoot or skootmon the way your into the salmon this year. :lol:

Posted: Wed May 10, 2006 8:46 am
by Fishhawk
Nice going gentleman. Keep em comin.