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Quinte Adventure Weekend Report....(loads of pics)

Posted: Sun Oct 23, 2005 2:33 pm
by RJ
I figured I'll get it started.... :)

Birdee and I left bright and early Thursday morning and had plans to hit the water right away that morning.....after meeting a few of the guys in Perth....we were off..... :) ...launching at the ferry that morning and having Ransome drive our car down to Merlands was a great idea!....we had our first fish before the guys were even off the ferry.... :shock: :lol:


We had a great two days as a team out there....Birdee played em like a pro every time.....and she had a blast doin it.....she will be going back for sure.... :lol:

I had hoped to get her into a Big Sheepie..and have her fight it for about half an the second time the board slid yanked about 30 feet of line...."here ya go...your fisrt sheepie".....and the fight begins.....well after I took the board came off at the boat....I knew it wasn't a sheepie... :x ....Birdee now has her pic for the wall of fame in the living room...... 8)


On the Thursday we went 10 for 11....all except two fish were in the 26 to 27 inch range.....her two big ones were 29 and 28.5 at the fork....(30 and 30.5 at the tip).......she was temporarily in the lead for the Thursday derby....but Ransome got his wall mount fish and that did it in.... :( :lol:

A few more pics from Thursday...




Hot baits on Thursday under cloudy conditions were orange, grey and silver....

Friday was looking to be the best day of the weekend....and boy was it ever!....Who'd think he'd be in flat calm water and bright sun... :shock: ....not me I'll tell ya....but it was nice for a change!

Friday we went 10 for 12....another great day for Team Meat Boat.... :wink:




I don't know how she kept that suit on all day..... :shock: :lol:



Hot Baits for Friday under sunny skies were anything chartreuse...or orange belly..... :wink:

Saturday was a shopping day for Birdee...she enjoyed the local shops while I went out with Gordo and RJ was a typical Quinte blow that day....we lasted til noon or so....then all headed in for naps... :lol: we picked up three that morning..... :)

Saturday night was Poker night.....Sunday could have been another shopping day for Birdee and I.... :wink:

We had a great weekend, Birdee had a blast.....and upon leaving...."I'll be at the next one!"... :shock: :lol:

Thanks to all who had a hand in putting this one together....Thanks to Big-O and Topwater for the turkey dinner Saturday night.....and thanks to all attendees for making it a great always.....


Posted: Sun Oct 23, 2005 2:46 pm
by Mike Lennox
:shock: Nice gigantic eyes RJ and Birdee!!!
I'm glad to hear it was a successful weekend, and that many nice eyes like those were boated :D
I hate flyfishing :lol:

congrats on those gigantic fish,


Posted: Sun Oct 23, 2005 2:50 pm
by steve-hamilton

sounds like the big girls have moved in!!!

Posted: Sun Oct 23, 2005 3:09 pm
by Mikey
Great lookin eyes Birdee!....Now all ya gotta do is show RJ how to catch the big ones hehehe!!! :wink: :wink:

Posted: Sun Oct 23, 2005 3:16 pm
wow congrats guys they are some wonderful looking eyes!

glad u had fun!


Posted: Sun Oct 23, 2005 3:20 pm
:D very nice fish for both of you.

Posted: Sun Oct 23, 2005 3:47 pm
by Scumking

Some real great shots :D :D .Congrats to birdie on those real nice fish :D :D .Nothing like a few Quinte Walleye.I have to admit that it looks like she might of got the best of you :D :D :D .

Saw you bobbing around out there thursday but never saw you on Friday :shock: :shock: and we were down as far as the bat cave.

We have some good shots but they are in an old fashion camera :evil: :evil: .

I had a great weekend with the gang :D :D :D .

Looking forward to the next one.


Posted: Sun Oct 23, 2005 4:00 pm
by Markus
On the road at 3am. The plan was to pick up Jazman in Cambridge, meet up with Skooter and Crash at the service stop and then find Turkeyman and Brenda out on the open road. Our plan worked perfectly and we arrived safe and sound at Merlands around 8:00 am.

Day 1 - Lets find the fish! 17/17
Jazman wasn't meeting up with John until Friday, so he jump in the stiper with Muskiemagnet, Ransome and me. We were fishing by 10am and it didn't take long for us to find the fish! Rods were bounching and we were giggling like school girls.

We fished till about 4pm and kicked off our weekend on the Bay of Quinte by going 17/17. We were all smiling after Thursday.

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Day 2 - We know were the fish are, lets go get em! 37/40
John had a little business to attend to, so Jazman officially became a permanent part of our crew. We launched at about 8am and headed back to where we had success the previous day.

From this day on, when I think about my favorite day walleye fishing...this will be they day I remember. Cool air, warm sun, calm, good friends and a crap load of action! Double headers, Triple header.....Fish On!! We should have stretched before hitting the water today. When we headed in around 4pm, we were 37/40!

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Day 3 - Rotten Weather and Boat Problems! 5/5
The view of the water from Merland Park wasn't bad, but the smoke stacks at the cement plant told a different story. We knew that when we rounded the corner at the lighthouse that we'd be met with a serious blow.....and we were, 60-70km east winds. We pounded our way as far as we could, turned, set up fast, and tolled with the wind. As rough as it was, we were picking up fish so despite the wind we had some action.

We pulled all lines and turned back into the waves to power ourselves back up the reach furher. When I hit the throttle, the striper just bogged down???? We pulled the floor hatches and we were full of water. Apparently, my livewell over flow hose clamp came off and the extra weight in the boat put the overflow hole below water....water poured in. The bilge burnt itself self out I guess. We made our way back to Merlands.

This problem put an early end to our day.

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What a great 3 days on the water with 3 quality guys. Everyone pitched in and worked hard out there, plus we had a load of laughs as we enjoyed some of the finest walleye fishing in the world! I just wanna say thanks to Jazman, Muskiemagnet and Ransome for joining me and giving me another awesome fishing trip I will never forget. Thanks fellas!


Merlands was great. I loved our cottage and I got to share it with Jale6666 and the Livewells. Food was great, camp fire was great, ET's and Big Jim's seminars were great and best of was great to meet so many new faces this trip.

Funniest moments of the weekend for me were (in no piticular order)....

Turkeyman playing poker.
Turkeyman manhandling pie.
Turkeyman licking Hoss.
Turkeyman yelling at Sheephead cleaners.
Turkeyman eating hot pepper.
Turkeyman telling court story.
Turkeyman telling Brenda she is going die.

Thanks for the great time everyone!

Posted: Sun Oct 23, 2005 4:20 pm
by crash
All I can say THANKS a TON guys and gals.
Thanks to Hawk crew for arraging anoother terrific meet.
Mr.&Mrs Turkey for the pleasure of your company rooming for thr weekend. The terriffic boat rollercoaster ride Saterday and geting a few fish in the boat.
Jale666 and Samsquatch for a good day on the water in boat. Even thogh we lacked experince with the walley tecniques We managed some big fish.
Skooter for putting up with me there and back and the Thursday warmup fishing.
To the Saturdays Cooking Crew Big O Topwater Mrs Livewell Birdie and all the rest TY TY.
Met a few new people and caught up with some from previous meetings
Was a pleasure to be amongst some very Fine people.
Caught some nice fat eyes and am tired out.
Nap Time need to recoperate for the next one.
:D :D :D

Posted: Sun Oct 23, 2005 4:53 pm
by jig head
AWSOME , AWSOME, AWSOME . Good work guys. I wish i could get some beautys like that .

Posted: Sun Oct 23, 2005 5:08 pm
by Fishing Freak
Simply AWESOME reports.

Wish I was there. :( :(

DAMN HEALTH :cry: :cry:

what a weekend???

Posted: Sun Oct 23, 2005 5:12 pm
by Superdad

What a weekend to miss - I'm so green with envy

Markus - did you keep track of all those biggies for the team????

Re: what a weekend???

Posted: Sun Oct 23, 2005 5:18 pm
by Markus
Superdad wrote: Markus - did you keep track of all those biggies for the team????
Dave, I've had a great summer on Erie...I needed some reeal monsters to do any culling. Maybe in November!

All our fish ranged from 7-12lbs.

Posted: Sun Oct 23, 2005 5:25 pm
by Joe
Good going guys!
Tons o fish & pigs 2.
Sounds like skoots boat was the drier one between him & Markus. :lol:

Posted: Sun Oct 23, 2005 5:26 pm
by wolfe
WOW, what can you say to picture after picture of big walleyes? That BOQ is one amazing fishery.

Birdee: Way to Go!!!! :D

Must have been a fantastic time. I'm envious!
