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Posted: Sun Oct 31, 2004 9:53 pm
My apologies :oops:

I was in a hurry this morn when I was readin and tryin to make posts :roll:

My take is, 1st off, To Muskiemagnet.....THX BRO!!!!!! You showed me and Rox a great time and some gut hurtin laughs :lol: We made our way across alot of water yesterday, but to avail with FF's 2nd skie of the year!!!! :D I want to thank MM for his great ride and awsome time for the day!!!Trolling in 15 FOW and Rox had never seen a Skie out of water(Only pics)And out of nowhere my rod takes off without warning, and Floats on like a (Skie on a sucker :lol: )So my 2nd skie of the yaer decides to give a show to Rox (Being her 1st ever seen)Out of the water, all over the place, and 1st fish in the boat :D After that a few cheeky hello's to Snag, Bobber, Markus, and Fishhawk :P We continued the troll, but no others were boated.None the less,MM Bro you now have a friend to play with when you arent workin 8)

2nd to everyone who I met (again)and new faces, thx a mill what a great time!!!Snag, you my dear deserved those fish and am more than happy you got em :D

Markus, well........ :lol: :lol: :lol: Awsome bro, You sir are cut from the Blarney stone :lol: :lol: :lol: :P

And to MT, and Misses Livewell....

Where do I begin???Hard to say thx enough for the great time puttin up the (almost MT tent :lol: ) And for the laughs we all had :D MT the bartender, Markus the hystarical east coaster, Pinkers the (Keep Markus in liner,JK )R.U.K the joker of the swarezz, Bacon well.......Bro was awsome to have you out!!!!Cant wait to see us @ the toilet bowl :D :D :D

Snag, no more wobbley pops for you :P

And the WIGster droped in for a few tasties to say, (No worries its not MIG its WIG, so wait for the EYE pics :lol: )

Now for MT and Misses........I and Rox thank you both(With everyone else)for a absolout great time and could not have asked for a better way to end the day :D

Thx again to JP for the great set up of our outing!!!

P.S Toilet Bowl here I come!!!!!!!!!


Posted: Mon Nov 01, 2004 2:14 am
:D Congrats to all..that work thing kept me away..but another time! Great fishing everyone..

No Luck

Posted: Mon Nov 01, 2004 8:13 am
by jazman
No Fish for John and I... not even a raise.

Great work to the many who had such great days... awesome stuff.

Wish I could have stuck around for the dinner... and MT's

Great fun on the day

Posted: Mon Nov 01, 2004 8:40 am
by Steve G

I have not yet read through this thread, but here is my Muskie for 2004. 40inches long and a 20" girth.

Thanks Jake, for the ride, IT WAS A GREAT DAY!

Posted: Mon Nov 01, 2004 9:30 am
by Guest
Nice work everyone, looks like is was a great time.


Posted: Mon Nov 01, 2004 9:34 am
by Markus
Too bad you couldn't make it Hawg. I was looking forward to meeting ya. I heard you had another fishing date. How'd ya make out?

Posted: Mon Nov 01, 2004 9:42 am
by Guest

I went to the St. Lawrence, which was a big mistake. I was feeling under the weather all week, and wasn't quite 100% when I left on Friday night. Got really sick on Saturday morning, and had to get the boyz to drop me off at the launch. I headed back to Ottawa, and spent the rest of the weekend in bed. Bum deal.......

I'll make up for it this week though. I'll be fishing with Marc Thorpe for a few days.

Glad to see you all had a good time though. Some nice fish caught.


Posted: Mon Nov 01, 2004 9:44 am
by Markus
Nice. I hope you get a lot of pics! Is this your first time fishing with Marc? That'd be a thrill for anyone. I can't wait to see how you make out. Good luck.

Posted: Mon Nov 01, 2004 9:46 am
by Guest
I've fished with Marc before. Great guy, and an amazing fisherman. He certainly lives up to his reputation. :)


Posted: Mon Nov 01, 2004 9:47 am
by Wall-I-Guy
Just want to thank JP for organising this event and of course the FH crew, Markus, Fish-Hawk and Bobber. Another great outing :!:

A big thanks to MT Livewell and Misses Livewell for their hospitality Saturday night :!: The gang there were full of laughs as usual !!

Pizza T*ts :roll: ..I still bust a gut over that one :!: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Although the fishing was slow in my boat, the company was good, Thanks again DaveH !!!

Hope I haven't forgot anyone :!:

Lookin Good

Posted: Mon Nov 01, 2004 9:56 am
by bts
Looks like another great Fishhawk outing. Sorry I missed it. Thats 2 Fishhawk events in a row :( :( :( :(

Posted: Mon Nov 01, 2004 11:35 am
by Markus
Here's a pic of us back at MT's place enjoying a few Bacon stories.
Sorry for the poor quality, I believe the moisture on the camera mixed with a little smoke from the fire caused it.

You can see MT's emergency rain tent beside the fire pit...which was used 3 times, but all turned out to be a false alarm. It was a beautiful evening for a campfire.

Posted: Mon Nov 01, 2004 11:40 am
by Canadian Bacon
Wasn't that the pic taken when Pink Lady sneezed?

Posted: Mon Nov 01, 2004 12:13 pm
by U.L.
Glad to hear that everyone had a great day and sorry I missed it. Hopefully I can be there for the next outing. Obviously there was some very nice fish caught and Congrats are due to everyone. It was nice to see the musky turn on just in time for the outing because up to this last w/e the Musky fishing had been terrible. So congrats to all and maybe I will meet some of you guys/gals at a later date.


Posted: Mon Nov 01, 2004 12:17 pm
by DaveH
Wall-I-Guy wrote:Just want to thank JP for organising this event and of course the FH crew, Markus, Fish-Hawk and Bobber. Another great outing :!:

A big thanks to MT Livewell and Misses Livewell for their hospitality Saturday night :!: The gang there were full of laughs as usual !!

Pizza T*ts :roll: ..I still bust a gut over that one :!: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Although the fishing was slow in my boat, the company was good, Thanks again DaveH !!!

Hope I haven't forgot anyone :!:
I have to thank YOU WIG!! Great company, and a real honour being one of the first on the new boat!!!

A hard day out there for us, but nevertheless it was great, and I learned a bunch not only from WIG but from seein what was working for everyone else!

Awesome meeting everyone that I did, and sorry that I didn't get to meet everyone I didn't!!

JP, fantastic job on the day, can't wait for my next Fish-hawk outing!!!

And WIG, you'll have to try and post that monster we caught on the board!!!