Lost lake Report...RJ, WIG, MT and BTS Weekend

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Post by iankrzyzanowski »

Making me jealous boys!! Looks like an amazing spot and looks like everyone had a blast! How did you get MT to come outside?
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Post by saskie »

Awesome story guys!!! Great pics, beauty fish....just perfect!!!
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Post by Canadian Bacon »

Looks like a great time...I bet the sleeps were pretty noisy!!! :shock:

MT...White Spinnerbat? :?
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Post by Markus »

I love trips like that! Now thats an adventure. :P Congrates on the specs and I want to say how impressed I am with the looks of that camp. I love places like that.

:mrgreen: I'm green with envy.

Nice work guys.
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Post by Fishhawk »

Excellent report - I love stories like that too!
"gotta run like a madman bye thanks see ya good luck"
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Post by RJ »

WIG being the gentleman that he is provided Ear Plugs... :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Post by Canadian Bacon »

Lucky for you....
MT is as bad as he is....I don't know about BTS....but with WIG and MT...at lesat they would have kept the wild life scared away!
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Post by wolfe »

I'm sooo jealous! Good fishing, good company, even good food! :D

Fun post, R.J. -- thanks for a nice read.


PS: Kevin, glad to hear your nephew is OK now.
Big-O: hope you're feeling better by now, too.
Thanks, Dad, for taking me fishing when I was a kid.
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Post by RJ »

The highlight/lowlight of my weekend came after being on the ice for about 10 minutes.....reaching into my bib pants pocket and ramming my fishing scissors about an inch and a half into the end of my thumb.... :shock: :x :x :x :x .....bled like a stuck pig for about half an hour..... :evil: Still sore!

Then after decided to grab the top bunk.....which was WAY up there....like jump off the dge of a chair to get up there... :lol: :lol: ....my pillow fell off the end of the bed last night.....and I was too afraid I couldn't get back up if I got down to get it.....the boys got a kick outta that this morning!... :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Post by Canadian Bacon »

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Post by Canadian Bacon »

Does this mean MT is actually gonna send me some points???? :shock:

I wonder..... :?
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Post by Wall-I-Guy »

Canadian Bacon wrote:Lucky for you....
MT is as bad as he is....I don't know about BTS....but with WIG and MT...at lesat they would have kept the wild life scared away!
Hey, at least as RJ says, I was a gentleman and provided earplugs! What will you provide for their noses :?: :shock: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Post by Canadian Bacon »

Hey, at least as RJ says, I was a gentleman and provided earplugs! What will you provide for their noses
Beautiful aroma! :shock:
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I know I am late posting but I finally had time to read the whole post. Looked awsome! :shock: Nice looking specs to! I gotta get me to lost lake don't I Bri :wink:
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Post by M.T. Livewell »

Adventures at Lost Lake.

Brian, thank you, thank you, thank you. And, in case it wasn't clear the first time, THANK YOU!

My adventure starts Friday morning. Actually late Thursday evening. Float was supposed to jump in with me, but due to a family incident, was unable to attend. (A shame Bro, you missed a good one)

7:30am I dropped the little monsters off at daycare. A short stop at Timmy's for a triple triple (with instruction to stir it better, coffee tastes like crap if it ain't stirred enough), and off to the races. Getting out of town wasn't nearly as bad as I expected since March Break had the usual rush hour grid-lock at home doing Daddy Daycare.

9:45am I hit the restaurant where we were meeting. We weren't scheduled to meet till 11, so I relaxed, ordered eggs and baky, and got to know the local staff a little better. 11:15 Brian pulled in and we wasted no time moving my junk from the sporty station wagon to Brian's tired, yet capable truck. 1/2 hour through logging rods got us to our first way point (where full size vehicles can no longer go). From the truck to the four-wheeler, all my stuff tossed gingerly into the attached sled. 45 minutes through narrow trails, across a stream, hands being slapped by the passing branches, I ducked under branches and leaned into the hills.

It was about 12:30 when we rolled into camp. Wasn't I suprised. Brian, being extremely humble had painted pictures in my head of a torn down tar-paper shack. Well I was delighted to see rustic, well built and quite spacious, genuine log cabin. A great room with kitchen/dinning room/ living room with enough space to host American Bandstand. A seperate room off the main, there was bunks for 6, with an escape route to the out house.
I was delighted, this was not a shack, this is the Taj Mahal.

<img src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/ ... eShack.jpg" alt="Image hosted by Photobucket.com">
The boys outside the "shack"

We suited up, jumped on the 4 wheeler, and joined WIG and RJ out on the lake. We all set up in the same area near the far end of the lake. Brian, the ever patient coach pointing out spots and outlining the structure of the lake.
The only fish in the lake are speckles, being the pinnacle predator, get to be a good size compared to other lakes with multi-species.
About 3 hours into the day, I decided to break from the herd, and hit a fallen tree BTS pointed out to have been a success for him in trips past. So I set up, and waited, and waited, and waited.
<img src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/ ... imeNow.jpg" alt="Image hosted by Photobucket.com">
<img src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/ ... heBoys.jpg" alt="Image hosted by Photobucket.com">

It was around 4:30 when my fishy hit the tip up. In fact, it was just as I was checking the line. Up came that beauty 17" er, the colors had me amazed. Now, not knowing what to expect, I was impressed for the brief struggle the fish put up through the small holes, and was congratulated on what should be considered a pretty substantial speckle, as far as they go. I was delighted.
Now, again being THE MOST gracious host, BTS even had a prize ready for the big fish of the weekend. Turns out that would be me. So I am the happy owner of a snazy Stanley knife set.
<img src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/ ... tPrize.jpg" alt="Image hosted by Photobucket.com">

Friday evening ended with the anxious groans from the boys. OMG, what would happen if MT (admittedly the unluckiest fisherman in Ontario - and maybe all of eastern Canada), caught the only fish this weekend. Those fellas would never live it down. I wouldn't let them forget, as a few of the others would be sure to crusify them as well.

Friday evening, we had some milk and cookies before we settled in for our bible reading.
<img src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/ ... eCabin.jpg" alt="Image hosted by Photobucket.com">
This should give you a good idea of the size of the "shack".
We were later joined by the neighbours from up the way. Great fellas (and lady).

A few more glasses of milk, and the young lads were the first to pass out. The old boys joined shortly there after. As WIG mentioned, he was gracious enough to bring along some ear plugs for the snoring impaired. RJ later commented that he didn't hear a thing.

Saturday morning, 5am, I was first to crawl out of my warm sleeping bag, greeted by a dark, cold room. I found my way into the kitchen, and lit up a smoke (first thing us damn smoker usually do in the morning). Well, I found the pack on the table, but couldn't find a lighter. So, I stuck my nose into the wood stove and lit her up. My mouth was dryer than a pop corn fart, so I went looking for a bottle of water. Couldn't find them where I left them the night before, so a hard pull on my smoke enough dimly light up the counter. No water, so I bumped my way over to the fridge ... redemption. From there I stoked the fire trying to get the cabin back up to a reasonable temperature.
I made my way into the bedroom, and was overwhelmed by the smell of processed sausage and death.
"It's 5:15 boys, who wants to go fishing?" They all cocooned just a little deeper into their sleeping bags. 5:30 I inquired, and again at 5:45, no takers. I started dressing to head out at 6am, WIG rolled out of bed to join me.

The holes from the night before had frozen over solid. Our choices were to break the ice with an axe or cut new. We did a little of both. RJ moved around the point near a stumpy shallow. WIG stayed in his spot from Friday. I moved back to my "honey hole" near the fallen tree. BTS made us breakfast while we fished (bless that man!!!).
The fishing was a little slow, but the scenary was great, and the company was top notch. So no one was particularly upset that the fish were't jumping through the holes.
I decided to take a little walk to check out an adjoining lake that had dried up a few years back. That's when I heard it. &%^$ Fish!!!!, took my pole right down the ^*&%% hole!!!! I made my way back to see what was up. RJ joined us too knowing that WIG either missed a good one, or I had fallen through the ice. It was the former.
Now here is irony. While I am meandering about the lake, WIG was guarding his lines like a Sentinel. But he only looked away for 10 seconds, 10 SECONDS. He heard the bells jingle and turned around in time to see his rod and reel slide down the hole.

We knew it must have been a big one. Cause WIG has the rod frozen tight into the snow. Now, the pressure was really on. WIG missed a fish, and MT was the only guy with a fish all weekend.

But luck would change later that morning. RJ's faithful guide (dubbed Bacon, cause one of his eyes kept falling out) stood unmoving in front of the lucky rod. A quick tug and RJ pulled up a nice 16"er. A real beauty, and bragging rights for RJ. The pressure was on.

The rest of the day was uneventful (fishing wise), but the laughs were plentiful and the stories never ending.
More venison sausage for lunch, steak for dinner, a couple more glasses of milk for desert. No one had any notions of losing weight on this trip.
Again, early to bed for the young lads, while the old fellas showed their constitution and sat up for another soda or 2.
<img src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/ ... leBoys.jpg" alt="Image hosted by Photobucket.com">

Sunday morning, I was again the first up, but this time it was 6am, and I could see (hence no more bruises from bumping into things).
WIG back to his hole, hoping to catch the fish with the rod attached to it.
RJ back with his frozen fishing guide, looking for any other cruisers in the area.
I moved over to the far side of the stumpy bay across from RJ, hoping some speckles moving in and out of the shallows.
BTS was back at the shack cleaning up (the man is a dynamo!)

Later that morning, who should luck into the 3rd and last fish of the weekend? BTS himself. With a 15+ incher. Everyone was hoping WIG would get one to finish things off. In fact, RJ, BTS and I headed back to the shack for some tidying up, and some bacon and sausage (mmmm bacon wrapped sausage), while WIG worked his holes diligently.

At noon we finished cleaning and packing, and loaded up the 4 wheelers. Out through the trails, we were back on the road at 1pm. 3:30 I rolled in the driveway and the family was delighted. We cooked up that speckle, and it was just fantastic. Can't wait to try for these fish again, they are just delicious. And till this weekend, they weren't even on my fishing radar. Well, believe you me, that is no longer the case.

BTS, in case you missed the first line of this dissertation, thanks so much for inviting me for the weekend. You're an absolute gentleman, a great host, and a damn riot. WIG, RJ, I couldn't ask for a better group of nuts to get stranded on a lake with.

Sorry to be so long winded. Can't wait till the next adventure. Brian, you're welcome in my boat anytime, and believe you me, we'll be getting out this summer.

M.T. Livewell

(BTW, I brought somebody's Nike's home with me. Claim them now!)
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