another panfish report

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Post by joco »

Last edited by joco on Tue May 01, 2007 4:52 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by OBD »

joco wrote:

because off people like you , i might take a little brake frome here.,,i am sher you wont care. .

100% agree with you joco. That's why i just stopped doing reports.. ppl like watherfowler and some others just come here to criticize people in a bad way for the wrong reasons...and that's too bad :cry: Think it's time to close this thread before it gets worst..
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Post by fliptheslop »

Funny thing here is that this is a fishing site, and waterfowler seems to think that it is prefectly ok for some muttinheaded rich dick thats never probably worked a day his life to, to build a golf course and cut the river off to everyone else, I say the dick that owns the course should make the river accessable to anyone that wants to go there and fish, he doesnt own the river or even own a fair distance from the high water level, no one likes the guys that fill buckets full of fish, no one likes the guys that leave garbage behind, BUT I FOR ONE AM STICK AND TIRED OF PEOPLE DECIDING THAT I CANT FISH IN THE RIVERS LAKES AND PONDS THAT MY TAX MONEY GOES TOWARDS, so maybe the waterfowler your on the wrong site here conunisium is 2 doors down, and by the way thanks for all the lead you put in the river killin ducks
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Post by RJ »

fliptheslop wrote:Funny thing here is that this is a fishing site, and waterfowler seems to think that it is prefectly ok for some muttinheaded rich dick thats never probably worked a day his life to, to build a golf course and cut the river off to everyone else, I say the dick that owns the course should make the river accessable to anyone that wants to go there and fish, he doesnt own the river or even own a fair distance from the high water level, no one likes the guys that fill buckets full of fish, no one likes the guys that leave garbage behind, BUT I FOR ONE AM STICK AND TIRED OF PEOPLE DECIDING THAT I CANT FISH IN THE RIVERS LAKES AND PONDS THAT MY TAX MONEY GOES TOWARDS, so maybe the waterfowler your on the wrong site here conunisium is 2 doors down, and by the way thanks for all the lead you put in the river killin ducks
Someone has had a few too many watching the hockey game.

I'm beginning to think the world has gone mad.
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Post by Tip-up »


I gave my opinion on another thread. Sens better get this OT goal :evil:
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Post by CrappieKeith »

So lets take this thread back on track ,eh.
I snagged a few today.
The males sure are turning black.
Caught a few bulls today too.
Well more than just a few ,CPR all fish today.
got sun burned real good today ans was rewarded with this view on the way out after 9 hours on the water.
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Post by GetTheNet!!! »

Nodie, Joco, guys... You've stopped posting reports (or are considering staying off fish-hawk) because a few people disagree with where you're fishing or who you're telling about it? I think that is starting to get fu&*@ng rediculous! You two are some of the best posters on this site... I have yet to see something useful posted by some of the people criticising you (Quack-pots).

Sure a few fish-hawkers hit a spot after a good report, but half the reports that are posted don't even mention where people were fishing. Tackle stores and bait shops likely do as much or more damage by letting people know where the "fish are biting" in the name of making a buck, no one openly chastizes them, and there's no reason why they should... If we all show a certain amount of restraint (Which is something fish-hawk tends to promote)

This is a community of support and assistance. If you have a good (or bad day) fellow local fishermen are there to talk to about it.

If you have a question usually someone can help you out, and if they do, it's the least you can do to share your success with them by posting a few fish shots.

There will always be (usually less successful) anglers who will hurl petty insults and blame you(us) for the depletion of the resource, but that's the nature of the internet. People are free to express their opinion but I think they are the ones that need to re-evaluate weather or not they want to use this site. The site has been rolling along quite well for a number of years with people being sharing and supportive, and I think I speak for the majority of users on this site when I say we can do without comments like the ones we've seen in this thread.

Don't let them get you down lads,

Best fishes,

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Post by GetTheNet!!! »

BTW, Keith those are some gorgeous 'gills! If I'm ever down Minnisota way can you get me out to find a bigdawg bluegill?
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Post by Eli »

GetTheNet, I fully agree with you. It would be a real shame if reports stopped coming in because of stupidity expressed by a handful of fringes (like waterfouler). If you have something to say, say it! And if others don't like it, they don't have to read it.

CrappieKeith, I did some jig tying of my own yesterday. In a few hours I will go out and see how they stack up against T.H.E. jig :P BTW, how do you tell a male crappy from a female?
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Post by joco »

Last edited by joco on Tue May 01, 2007 4:58 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by CrappieKeith »

Getthenet is right on the money gentlemen.

I can tell you through my trials in this forum world that there are a few either jealous guys or whatever it is that makes them belittle others out there.
I've been slammed for talking about a certain lake.
I've been blamed for potential over fishing,eating fish you name it.
my thinking is they just need to get a life & maybe,just maybe get out & go fish.

I have also recieved the email from lurkers that have said Don't go ,I'm always learning from you.
So I say what's more important?
Helping someone get into fish or getting better catching fish vs. the comments some errogant basher makes that most likely has never met you.

Sure those negative comments hurt,but the basher is the one who's hurting and lashing out on some good people with the idea that he'll feel better for putting someone else down.
Chin up and keep posting.
You'll see guys step for you!
Then you'll see that other care about what you say!

It's funny how things happen!

Back to fishing men!!!!!!!!!
Good luck on your jigs!
Thanks for the comments men.Those gills are nice to fight ,but the big ones are not even in there yet.
The males turn black.Other than that I dun know until I clean them
I've released 12inchers in there over the past few years,so when I get 1 of them then you'll see a real bull.
I almost need my med.light rod instead of my UL.
I gotta put this one up again.
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Post by waterfowler »

Alot of you fellas sure jump on each others backs if something is mentioned that points out a negative towards a "member".
Amusing since you seem intent on ignoring the whole reason I mentioned this topic, the face that 2 dozen or more people were obviously trespassing and encoraging other cyber buddies to come join in the swarm.
And Matt, no, it certainly isn't born out of "jealousy". I pounded the slabs elsewhere that day and don't have a problem finding new spots to try to stay ahead of the crowds created by what happens here too often now. I'd rather fish my old spots with friends, but apparently dozens of people from the city now consider these areas theirs. And yes, the litter left behind...that was NOT a problem 10 years ago as most of the people who fished the spots were local and respected the grounds. I know all the people here don't do it, but it is a serious problem, I picked up 5 balls of disarded fishing line(20 lb test) under one of the bridges last week! Who the **** just throws that there??

Something is obviously not right, and it certainly isn't the fact that I make a few valid points and observations about illegal fishing and the like!
Whatever happened to just calling your friends up for a fish, and just GOING?? Why do people need to post evite and pics up from everything. It is just a way for lazy slob "anglers" to time their perfect outing, that's that. If you don't think this is changing things, you seriously need to sit back and think.
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Post by Eli »

I don't mean to stir this pot any more, but I feel there is something I must mention.
Joco and I were just at that club again, and joco asked the manager and he said that we are more than welcome to fish there!

BTW, the bite is still on if you're interested in perch and gills. Only one midget crappy.
Now, if you will excuse me, I'm going back out! Just stopped by the house to pick up my rain gear.
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Post by CrappieKeith »

I can relate to a lot of what you are saying Waterfowler.

I live north of Minneapolis 3 hours and we get tons of weekenders.
The ditches fill with garbage when they leave.
After deer hunting last year I saw what they left.

They jam in on me when I'm in fish.
The circle me with their jet ski's.
I could go on & i've been in the battle your are in here as I have been in your position.
Trust me when I say that I am on your side too.

I'm thinking there are a few points that you are off on & the 1st would be high jacking this thread.
Had you initiated a thread regaurding this issue you'd been better off in my opinion.
You see by coming out on this like you did ,it was percieved as a bash.
I'm sure you did not mean it that way.

I also know that I'll always have my haters out there because I'm naming a lake where that guy lives at or fishes.
I'm trying to get guys on fish,thats my goal & I have to do all I can to promote this industry.
I've never been a hider.
I agree it's too bad a guy can not just go find his own .Face it not everyone is good at this sport and they need help.
It's no hit to them.Shoot I need help with many other things ,but it just so happens that I'm good at fishing.
Get me on the golf coarse & I'm all over the place.
Would you like to play through us.

We all have our pet peeves & I'm thinking that airing the ones you have should & could be aired in the proper manner.
Coming on as a hater justs puts people off.
I'm with you brother& I hope you take this as intended.

Another exampleis my jig that I tie.
When I first started in these forums I was so excited about how well they worked.
I'd post all over about T.H.E. Jig & because I do sell them it was percieved that I was just doing infomercials.
That was not my intent,but it was assumed that's what I was trying too do.

Not in a million,what I was trying to do was teach downsizing ,but that was overlooked.
You can see here that I'm not pushing my jig.
I'm just posting picks and telling the story.I've realized that the guys that really want to learn get with me.
It works good this way because now I'm dealing with open minds.
There are those that think they know what it takes & that I'm not telling them anything,well that's ok too & but I'm not getting bashed anymore.

In the end I think we all want to go fishing & catch fish so let's do that.

There are always going to be weekenders comming around.
I have to deal with that.You are going to always have people talk about places you fish & fish them.
You are going to have to deal with that.
I am saying this soft spokenly ,not loud and harshly.

We are fishermen and should be gentlemen and carry ourselves with some integrity & ethics to show others the proper way a man should carry himself.Leading by example is the way for me.
I can tell you I have thousands of people that read and learn from my posts.I think that's a good thing & I'm hopping that you can find a place too in the forums that feels good.
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Post by matcole »

I've been on this site now for over a year now and there seems to be always once a month that one guy likes to stir things. I have no problem with one guy stating his opinion and another guy with his retort, but when it comes down to name calling and insulting someones spelling because he's not perfectly bilingual is just immature. I can understand if waterfowl was making a stink becaue it was his personaly own property, I'd be upset. but its not, so whats the problem....... Joco, wolfman, Nodie, tip-up, keep the great reports coming. I enjoy reading them and learn from them too, especially seeing as you never are afraid to share some tipsand tricks with guys that can't make it out as often. As well, Fishing with great company makes the trip that more memorable and a lot more fun. And what is the difference between calling someone or emailing them?

Good fishing boys and we'll see you out there!!


By the way, Great report Guys!!!!!!!
Last edited by matcole on Sun Apr 29, 2007 11:24 am, edited 1 time in total.